How I Made $5,344 While Retired In 2024

So let’s talk about something fun: the surprising amount of money I made in retirement this year. It’s surprising because I expected this amount to be $0 after I quit my job in October 2020, but like a lot of things in life, I was wrong 🙂 . So let’s get into it! Continue reading “How I Made $5,344 While Retired In 2024”

Review: KLM Royal Dutch Airlines – Bologna, Italy to Amsterdam, The Netherlands

My adventures trying new airlines around the world continues! This time I’m taking on KLM whose full name is “KLM Royal Dutch Airlines” – fancyyy! Learning their full name led me down a rabbit hole where I discovered that The Netherlands currently has a monarchy and a King – I didn’t see that coming.

But learning about random royalty aside, I was curious to fly KLM and compare them to the many other new-to-me airlines I’ve been flying around the world recently. So let’s see how they stack up! Continue reading “Review: KLM Royal Dutch Airlines – Bologna, Italy to Amsterdam, The Netherlands”

The Month Of Amsterdam: November 2024 Recap

Here I am recapping the second to last month of 2024 while my brain is still in 2023. I really need to get on top of this temporal confusion, but in the meantime let’s see what I got up to in November 😉 .

Continue reading “The Month Of Amsterdam: November 2024 Recap”

I Joined The Health Insurance Marketplace

It finally happened. Now that I’m pulling money from my investments, my ‘income’ according to the tax man surpassed the level where I need to choose a healthcare plan from the marketplace instead of defaulting to Washington State Medicaid that I basically never used. Continue reading “I Joined The Health Insurance Marketplace”

Medical Tourism: Dental Cleaning And Cavity Fillings In Bologna, Italy

I knew that getting things done in Italy could be a bureaucratic nightmare from living there previously, but I didn’t expect getting a dental appointment to be one of those things 🙂 .

Up to this point, I’ve had my teeth cleaned in several countries and Italy is the first one where getting an appointment took so much effort that I almost gave up.

So today I have a saga for you, but it does have a happy ending. I hope this helps if anyone else is trying to get dental care in Italy as a tourist. So let’s get into it.

Continue reading “Medical Tourism: Dental Cleaning And Cavity Fillings In Bologna, Italy”

Review: IcelandAir – Boston, MA to Reykjavík, Iceland

So I got tricked into going to Iceland 🙂 …I’m totally kidding. As I mentioned in my recent monthly recap, I kept hearing about Iceland because of IcelandAir’s marketing push showing how they will add a free stopover in their gorgeous country to any flight. Continue reading “Review: IcelandAir – Boston, MA to Reykjavík, Iceland”

The Month Of Switzerland & Italy: October 2024 Recap

Time keeps rolling by at a breakneck speed and I continue to be shocked at how fast it flies by. I guess that means I’m having a lot of fun 😉 .  So let’s see what I got up to in October!
Continue reading “The Month Of Switzerland & Italy: October 2024 Recap”

Review: Blue Car Rental – Iceland’s Best Rental Car Company?

So I kept hearing about the beauty of Iceland (I guess their marketing push with IcelandAir worked 😉 ) . As a result, I put it on my list to visit at some point. However, after four years of retirement and being a nomad that moves around the world every month, my list of places to visit has been growing instead of shrinking.

I wasn’t sure when I would be able to fit Iceland into my plans, but then I was planning a trip to Europe and had a eureka moment after looking at flights. IcelandAir flights fit all my criteria and let me add a stopover of up to 7 days in Iceland to each flight for no extra money. Nice 🙂 . So I was sold and my trip to Iceland was solidified as a precursor to my mainland Europe adventures. Continue reading “Review: Blue Car Rental – Iceland’s Best Rental Car Company?”