I Love My New Job

It’s that simple. I love my new job. Each job I have seems to get better and better. Thank you universe. I’ve been trying to put my finger on why it’s so amazing.

Is it because of my client? Not really – she’s nice, but demands a lot and is difficult to read.

Is it because of the work I’m doing? Kind of – it’s not creating ads or adding to the gross manipulation of the marketing industry. Instead I’m thinking of ways to get people to work better together and helping advance my client’s career. I’m basically a ghost employee for a tech giant.

So what is it about?

Working from Home

I feel so much less stressed and less in need of introvert and non-thinking time now that I work from home. No trying to look nice, commuting (even though my commute was walking) or having to look happy and upbeat when I don’t feel that inside. Now the most interaction I get is over a voice call a few times a day. Making my voice sound upbeat is so much less intense than making my face and body do so. I do choose to go into the office for face to face meetings, but doing that for 30 minutes or so 1 day a week is so much easier than 8-10 hours a day, 5 days a week. Other reasons working from home is amazing:
Flexibility: I can make my own breakfast and lunch during the work day, I can play whatever music I want in the background to help me work and sit on any surface that matches my mood. I’ve known for a long time that I’m a lot more productive on couches with music in my ears than at desks with idle chitchat in the background.
Vacation Possibilities: I had previously booked a 2 week vacation on the east coast for the holidays. Since I didn’t have that vacation time I’m not technically taking vacation, but am still going to the east coast and will work from there. Amazing!

My Manager

My boss is possibly the most supportive manager I’ve ever had. In the past I’ve always been on my own and told to “just figure it out” and I thought that was normal. Instead of throwing me into the deep end of the pool this boss wants to be a part of everything, but also trusts me to be without supervision. He never asks me what I’m up to, but is there if I need help. I suggested having a weekly meeting to keep him up to date and he said that wasn’t necessary (awesome!). He never asks me where I am or why I’m responding to an email on my phone while I take a lunchtime walk. He’s the perfect combination of supportive and hands off.

The Company

The entire company seems very supportive and grateful to be there. I was shocked at my last job (Company 5) that they cracked jokes during meetings, but Company 6 takes this to a whole other level. The entire holiday party at this company was about thanking us and being transparent. The Founder is always saying he’s open to any new ideas, which I’ve never heard before, and he actually listens and acts based on what we say.

I can reach out to literally anyone on the team and they will respond quickly and offer to help in any way they can – that’s basically unheard of. People seem generally happy to work here and work hard as a result. No one has an attitude and everyone pulls their weight. The heads of the company are always thinking about their employees.

Despite being a small company I had my first performance review ever after only being here a few months. They are transparent about bonuses and are already putting in place a standard raise system. Even the giant conglomerates I worked with don’t have that! I think I can see why so many of my company’s employees have been here for years and I’m looking forward to being one of them.

4 thoughts on “I Love My New Job

    1. Haha – thank you! And yeah I write post lengths that I would like to read and personally I prefer to read posts that are on the shorter side of things.

  1. Glad you found a good team to join. I feel you described my team! I reminds me of how grateful I am, 12 years and counting.

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