The Year Of Reading: 2023 Goals & Accomplishments

Guess what 🙂 ? This is the 500th post on this blog!!! That number is completely wild to me, but I guess that’s what happens when I do something for almost a decade. Ridiculous. Anyway, thank you for being here 🙂 . Now let’s get back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Throughout the year, I like to write down new things I’ve learned, read, watched and experienced to try and remember what each year entailed and how they differ. I then summarize all of that in my annual goals and accomplishments posts. The goal of these posts is not just to curate what I’ve been up to, but also to document how I have changed from one year to the next and how I’ve grown as a person. Continue reading “The Year Of Reading: 2023 Goals & Accomplishments”

The Month Of Troy, NY: August 2023 Recap

Somehow we’re less than a month from the fall solstice and I’m not ready 🙂 . Luckily at that time, I’ll be flipping the seasons upside down by flying to the Southern Hemisphere 😉 . But for now, let’s see what I got up to during the month of August!

Continue reading “The Month Of Troy, NY: August 2023 Recap”

How Retirement Is Like College (And Why I Love Both)

First, some background 🙂 . Until retirement, my freshman year of college was the best year of my life. The years after leaving college and before I retired didn’t really come close and I was curious to investigate why. Now in retirement I’m the happiest and healthiest I’ve ever been. So let’s see why that might be and what retirement and college have in common. Continue reading “How Retirement Is Like College (And Why I Love Both)”

The Psychology Of Giving: How I Tricked Myself Into Donating More

I have something special for y’all today! You seemed to enjoy the times my partner dropped by to give his perspective like in this Q&A post and this one about traveling coffee so today he’s here to talk about giving. Take it away my dude!

Continue reading “The Psychology Of Giving: How I Tricked Myself Into Donating More”

The Year Of Spanish: 2022 Goals & Accomplishments

Throughout the year, I like to jot down new things I’ve learned, read, watched and experienced to try and remember what each year entailed. I then summarize all of that in my annual goals and accomplishments posts. The goal of these posts is not just to curate what I’ve been up to, but also to document how I have changed from one year to the next and how I’ve grown as a person. Continue reading “The Year Of Spanish: 2022 Goals & Accomplishments”

What Contributed More To My Net Worth: A Six Figure Salary Or Investment Returns?

In this time of stock market uncertainty, I thought it might be helpful to look at the upside and put a positive spin on things when the market seems to be dripping blood red 🙂 . The market has shown a bit of the downside of investing this year – or rather, one of the moments that dictate if someone will be a successful longterm investor. Freaking out and selling during a downturn will unfortunately not lead to longterm success. Continue reading “What Contributed More To My Net Worth: A Six Figure Salary Or Investment Returns?”

The Month Of New Hampshire: August 2022 Recap

2022 continues to pass by with the speed of a bullet train. I guess I’m having too much fun 😉 . This month we continued our exploration of the northeast – we like to come here in the summer if possible since it’s cooler than other parts of the country. We started by saying “hi!” to family in New York State and then moved further east. So let’s see what I got up to!

Continue reading “The Month Of New Hampshire: August 2022 Recap”

How My Definition Of ‘Optimal’ Has Changed In Retirement

When working towards FIRE, I at times thought that any money that wasn’t optimized was wasted because it didn’t go towards my end goal. For example, if I bought a plane ticket and the next day (for some reason) the cost of that ticket dropped 20%, I thought my decision was suboptimal. Continue reading “How My Definition Of ‘Optimal’ Has Changed In Retirement”