I did it and I can’t believe it. It’s been a crazy ride (weight loss for me is SERIOUSLY not linear given how often I went off it for vacations), but I made it. I went from 182lb (officially obese) over Christmas 2016 to 154. I have lost 28 lbs along with 14% of my body weight and have a normal BMI without starving for the first time since middle school. I’ve always struggled with my weight and have starved myself thin several times only to become ravenous and gain it all back and then some. I’ve also gone to the other side of the spectrum and tried to exercise myself to death (e.g. 6 hours a day in the gym) without results.
Finding keto changed my life. I never knew I could feel full and not be thinking about food all the time. I used to follow the usual Standard American Diet (SAD lol) guidelines and was always hungry and disliked my tasteless, butter-less food. Now food is delicious and it doesn’t rule my life. My partner even commented that this is the first time I’ve lost weight and not been in a bad mood or constantly snapped at him :). I’m sleeping better than I ever have in my life (I suck at sleeping) and overall have a lot more energy and a sunnier disposition. Weirdly I also now remember my dreams every night. Strange keto side effect. My blood tests don’t look bad either :).
I’m so excited to see where I go from here. I think I’ll start eating maintenance 2 times a week and otherwise see where my body stabilizes. Maybe I’ll get down to the 140s or even 130s for the first time without starvation.
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