Brexit 1776 and Asset Allocations

On this 4th of July I’m reminiscing on this crazy country I live in. Despite my pessimism it’s a pretty great place to live. We do have a large amount of opportunity and diversity that slightly combats all our issues. I’m happy to live here and wouldn’t roll the dice again if given the chance. That’s one way to show someone’s true feelings 🙂 .

Every quarter or so I re-evaluate my asset allocation, which continues to be 100% US Stocks. I have a lot of hope for the future of our nation. Looking towards the past we have progressed towards a more fair and equal society. I see that trend continuing into the future – hopefully much more quickly given all the technology-enabled communication tools we have, but there’s also anonymous trolling so we’ll see. With my asset allocation I’m betting that our entire country of 326+ million people will not crumble completely in my lifetime. I’m betting that our economy will continue to grow if not stagnate – basically anything but crumble 🙂 . I’m putting my monetary faith in this country and our ability to innovate and continue to move forward. Everything is a gamble and this is one I’m willing to take. I’m going to continue to try and be optimistic about the future and that love and acceptance will win out in the end.

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