Diet Update: 140s!

Another milestone in my keto weight loss journey: I hit the 140s. I haven’t seen a 14 on the scale since I starved myself for the first 6 months of 2012 eating 100 calories a day – usually just an egg white and a tomato for dinner. Now instead of going to bed clutching my growling stomach and looking at fat picture of myself to overcome the hunger headaches and urge to eat I’ve lost all this weight without any effort it seems. This has never been so easy and I’m so incredibly grateful that I found keto. There’s no hunger, no need for self-punishment or unhealthy body shaming. No headaches and no grouchiness. Finally a sustainable solution. I used to think I was meant to be this way, but I’m finding that that’s not the case and couldn’t be happier.

As of now I’ve lost 33lbs in 7 months without pausing my lifestyle. I’m still drinking with friends and eating at new restaurants. I’m still traveling and trying new cuisine. I’ve even taken almost a month off for vacation where I completely went off keto only to see the weight I gained on those trips fall off me when I returned. I went from an obese BMI to 5 lbs below the normal BMI threshold. Even doctors think I’m at a healthy weight now. Unlike the last time I was at this weight I’ve retained my muscles instead of my body eating them for sustenance. I actually look skinnier instead of a smaller version of my squishy self.

All of this hit home recently when my work asked me for my shirt size so we could have matching company shirts. I looked at the size chart and realized I was an XL at the beginning of this year and asked them to order me a medium. When I received it the medium was big on me. Guess I’m a small now. I can’t remember ever buying a small size t-shirt. Woah. When I look in the mirror I don’t really see the changes that are happening to my body so this was a great reminder. To the 130s!

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