Breaking The Unofficial Beauty Ban

It’s been 3 years since I’ve had any type of salon, beauty maintenance. Prior to that I would have my eyebrows plucked every month or so and hair cuts whenever things got out of hand. When I got into financial independence I started cutting all unnecessary expenses and as a result started doing these things myself. I didn’t see the point anymore despite my eyebrows costing maybe $40 a year and hair $50 every few years. It was still wasted money. Instead I started just plucking my eyebrows when they got unruly and cutting my hair a little when the ends looks raggedy. I’m lucky it’s hard to see weird cuts in curly hair 🙂 .

But this unofficial beauty ban is coming to an end. I’ve decided to cut off most of my hair today and wanted to use a professional since it will be a noticeable cut that I could easily mess up. So I’m breaking this unofficial beauty ban. Beside being hungry for change (it’s been a while since my hair was a different color) I also did a lot of damage to my hair last year when I bleached and colored it repeatedly. In a few months I had hair that was: bleached blonde, bright blue, purple and turquoise. And let me tell you turquoise does NOT come out of hair. You have to bleach it out and it still remains. Madness. I knew what I was doing and that it would damage my hair: it’s just hair so I was fine with it. It will grow back: though slowly because once again, curls.

Another reason I’m open to cutting my hair is my weight loss. I used to think my face looked fatter without a lot of hair around it. Now that I don’t have the same fat face of 7 months ago I can let go of the safety blanket. Let’s see how it goes!

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