On this 4th of July I’m reminiscing on this crazy country I live in. Despite my pessimism it’s a pretty great place to live. We do have a large amount of opportunity and diversity that slightly combats all our issues. I’m happy to live here and wouldn’t roll the dice again if given the chance. That’s one way to show someone’s true feelings 🙂 .
Year: 2017
H1/Q2 Budget Check-In 2017

Goodbye to Simple Displeasures
Is displeasures a word? I don’t think so…Oh well! I had my annual run-in with Comcast this week. As you know, cable companies are evil 🙂 and because they own the market and have many laws work in their favor to not allow market competition they raise their prices significantly every year. The only way to not let that happen is to call every year and threaten to leave. They will then give you a semi-reasonable price. It’s beyond ridiculous, but since my partner and I both work from home and love our WiFi it’s necessary. Continue reading “Goodbye to Simple Displeasures”
From Obese to Normal BMI
I did it and I can’t believe it. It’s been a crazy ride (weight loss for me is SERIOUSLY not linear given how often I went off it for vacations), but I made it. I went from 182lb (officially obese) over Christmas 2016 to 154. I have lost 28 lbs along with 14% of my body weight and have a normal BMI without starving for the first time since middle school. I’ve always struggled with my weight and have starved myself thin several times only to become ravenous and gain it all back and then some. I’ve also gone to the other side of the spectrum and tried to exercise myself to death (e.g. 6 hours a day in the gym) without results. Continue reading “From Obese to Normal BMI”
Over $175,000 Net Worth
I feel like we were just here celebrating $150,000 net worth. It was only 3 months ago. Money is compounding stupid fast it seems. As of today I have $177,746 in net worth thanks to my last paycheck and the stock market hitting a new all time high. $175,000 seemed impossible when I started seriously saving and investing 3 years ago. I kind of can’t believe it. Going from leaving college with $5,000 to my name to now doesn’t even seem real. Having 25% or 1/4 of my retirement net worth goal at the beginning of the year and now having 33% or 1/3 is crazy. I feel incredibly grateful that I was able to learn the power of saving and investing early and can’t wait to see what the rest of the year will bring. My goal for the end of 2017 is to have $200,000 in net worth. If the market holds steady that seems doable. I’m half way to my goal of investing $60,000 this year and simply investing the rest will push me past that $200,000 goal. That number also doesn’t feel real. Oh well: Let’s do this.
Sugar Makes Me Ill
Of all the weird things about me the one that seem to provoke the strongest reaction is that I don’t like sugar, sweets or really carbs. Yes that includes chocolate (cue the shocked gasps)! I’ve always been like that. My Mom is the complete opposite and routinely asks “Are you my child?” She loves sweets and intentionally doesn’t keep them in the house because of that reason. She is also a general carb lover (not just sugar) which I kind of understand, but the carbs I love are delicious because of the fat on them (hello buttery croissants!) Continue reading “Sugar Makes Me Ill”
A $30 Phone and That New Gadget Feeling
When I find a product or company that I love I’m all about representing it. If someone asks for my advice, I tell them. When my partner’s brother and wife asked about our cheap phone plans I recommended Republic Wireless. However, apparently there is a large difference in service that we receive in the middle of a metropolis and that they receive in their 2,000 person rural town. I was sad to learn that they had infinite problems with the service and later their phones. In the end they moved and I feel like I failed them :(. However, I now have an additional data point to add to my recommendation. They might be my only friends that live in a rural area, but it’s good to know the limitations of companies I recommend. Continue reading “A $30 Phone and That New Gadget Feeling”
FOMO, Outside and Retirement
In my last post about possibly becoming a recluse as a result of working from home I finished with a question: Why do I worry I’m not going outside enough? This question really baffles me. In NYC and Seattle I have a weird feeling when I’m inside during my free time that I should be outside, doing literally anything, even though I absolutely LOVE being at home. I love reading a book, sipping my tea and watching the hummingbird that moved into the tree outside our window. But I have this nagging feeling so at times I give into it and go outside to interact with people and do ‘something’…and life is instantly worse 🙂 . So what is this feeling? Continue reading “FOMO, Outside and Retirement”