This month is an interesting milestone. 3 years ago my mother retired from 30+ years of full-time work. Work she hated. Work that kept her from spending time with me because of a long commute (that allowed my step-siblings to go to a school near their mother). Work that wasn’t very compatible with my own long commute to school downtown. Work that allowed her to retire early at 55. I can’t believe it’s been 3 years already.
It’s also been 3 years since I hatched my own plan to retire early – originally in 10 years when I was 35. 3 years since I started this blog. I actually wish I had started it a few months earlier and written down what I was thinking regarding my Mom’s own pending retirement. I imagine that influenced me though I know getting into budgeting with YNAB and starting to read FIRE blogs while I didn’t have a lot of work for once also had something to do with it.
And now it’s 3 years until I retire (assuming at least 7% average market returns). Wowza. Looking back at what I was doing 3 years ago I still remember it all vividly. It really feels like yesterday. I don’t wish for time to pass or to waste my life waiting, but it’s comforting to know that 3 years is not a long time. We moved to Seattle a little less than 3 years ago and the time has seemed to fly. I will continue to enjoy my life the best I can: traveling and having new experiences, but I must admit that I’m excited for my next life. Let’s do this!
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