Moving from Blogger to WordPress

I started this blog over 3 years ago to catalog my journey to early retirement. Originally I just wanted to start writing and getting my thoughts down on ‘paper’. As a result I didn’t take basically any time to decide on my platform. I typed in “free blog” into Google and (of course) Blogger, their subsidiary, was the first hit.

So I started a blog with Blogger and was almost immediately disappointed with the free options. The themes were ugly, and the site was confusing to use. I assumed this was how free blogs were to entice (or anger…) you into upgrading to a paid version so I kept going. For 3 years.

In the past year or so I’ve become an active member of the FI community and as such have seen successful bloggers talking among themselves about what blogging site they use, what hosting service and many other things I didn’t really understand, but solidified my choice to not try and make my blog a “thing”, but just a catalog of my time for me in the future to look back on fondly.

But today was the day I snapped. I stumbled upon some gorgeous free WordPress themes that put Blogger to shame. I started researching WordPress and other Blogger alternatives only to keep coming back to reviews saying “WordPress is better than Blogger.” So I decided to bite the bullet and try it out.

As of today I’m writing this from a WordPress account! I’ve only had it for a few hours and I can confirm that it is a MUCH MUCH MUCH better experience than Blogger already. Extremely easy to use with lots of tutorials and support. I love it. I wish I had done this ages ago. So now my site looks much more like an adult blog instead of something a middle schooler threw together with HTML (I taught myself HTML in middle school so I know what I’m talking about…). So it’s time to be fancy! WordPress here I come!

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