Rainy Seattle Myth = Reality?

I’ve espoused before about how “Rainy Seattle” is a myth used to keep people from moving here in droves. Given how it’s the fastest growing city in the country it obviously didn’t work!

Unfortunately this year Seattle seems to be living up to the ‘myth.’ Usually rain and clouds in this city are a temporary phenomenon. Rain is usually more of a mist, so much so that Seattleites don’t use umbrellas or rain boots – there’s usually no need. If you awaken one morning and it’s cloudy more often than not by the afternoon there will be nothing but blue skies. Even during the winter there is a large amount of sun – sometimes blindingly so (our windows face west and south).

Some people have attributed Seattle’s nice weather to global warming and claim it’s becoming more like California (while CA is on fire…). In fact apartments in Seattle don’t have air conditioning because it was never that hot. My two summers here have proven they’re needed now. This winter the weather has swung the other way. It’s been the rainiest, cloudiest winter I’ve experienced here. Usually by April it’s mostly sunny and mid to high 60s. That’s not the case this year. Most days are cloudy and rainy and it’s starting to wear on me. I do appreciate that it’s not frigidly cold like in NYC, but I need some sun on my face.

When I look at the weather forecast I see basically nothing but clouds and rain. It’s definitely doesn’t help motivate me. I actually find this attitude ironic because when I worked in an office and it was sunny I would be mad that I was inside working. Now that I work from home there is no where I’d rather be, but the sun helps to invigorate me to crank through what I need to do. I’m trying to be more intentional and let motivation come to me, but this weather isn’t helping 🙂 .


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