That Burst of ‘Purpose’

At times I feel a strange burst of energy flow through my body at work. This energy compels me to complete the latest task, optimize the latest project and plan my strategy for the next meeting. I’m not sure purpose is the correct word – maybe it’s motivation? Inspiration? I’m not sure. Productivity seems so generic.

I don’t think it’s productivity because it’s not efficient or helpful. It’s not based on doing something REAL. It’s more based on doing SOMETHING and moving ANYTHING forward, at least a little. Do people feel purposeful just because they’re doing SOMETHING? Even if something has no purpose and doesn’t help society? Maybe…

Am I feeling this way from checking metaphorical boxes? Is this how people work in an office they don’t love for 40 years without contemplating it? Or are they just too busy? Is it a combination of both? I’m asking a lot of questions in this post 🙂 .

I thought I had isolated this feeling last week when I was on a call with my boss and orchestrated things surprisingly well. I asked the right questions without planning it (not a usual occurrence for me) and figured out how to do something I’ve never done before (hiring a narrator for a video). I concluded that this feeling was derived by being a boss and figuring out something I haven’t figured out before. My theory was quickly disproven a few days later when I started doing something that wasn’t new without prompting.

I just felt the need to bang things out on my computer – prep a possible schedule, write a long ass email instructing my team, analyze a random presentation. I don’t have an answer, but it’s a curious emotion I’ll be paying more attention to. Let’s see if I can crack it before I retire in 2.4 years…

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