The Opposite Problem

So I started my weight loss journey over a year ago because I wasn’t able to fit into a lot of my clothing and I refuse to waste money buying the same clothes in a larger size. So I dove into keto and lost 50 lbs. Now I’m being faced with a different problem: A lot of my clothes don’t fit now because they’re too big!

Talk about a reversal. I have a lot of thrift store maxi dresses that I absolutely love because they feel like you’re wearing a blanket and I’m falling out of them now (not in a good way…) This is an outcome I didn’t see coming. So now I’m faced with the exact problem I started with in reverse.

I’m trying to pinpoint a positive in all this and I’ve come up with one: This will make it a lot easier to give away the majority of my clothing. If it doesn’t fit – it gets tossed. If it has a hole or stain – it gets tossed. If I haven’t worn it in 6 months – it’s gone. At this point that removes about 90% of my wardrobe 🙂 .

I’m both laughing at the irony of this and focusing on the silver lining. It’s pretty funny how things turn out.

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