10 Years Into My FIRE Journey: From $53K To $912K

January 2025 marks 10 years into my FIRE journey and also 10 years of writing this blog to document said journey. It’s absolutely wild how much can change in a decade so I wanted to take the time to reflect on the last 10 years and what happened.

If you want to see everything that happened to me unfold on the way to retirement in real time, I wrote about all of it on this blog and also made a summarized version in my “How Did I Get Here?” Series below. But just for fun, let’s speed run it and look at the highlights of 10 years chasing and then experiencing financial independence:

As a quick recap, 10 years ago at this time I would be rushing out of my apartment building in Manhattan, stuffing myself into a subway car and then looking sadly out of the dark train windows while I waited for my stop (this is sadly before there was cell service or wifi in the subway 😉 ) . After I reached my stop, I would have to force myself out of the crowded car and join the hoards of people who were all doing what I was doing: trying to get through another day of the rat race.

I would finally reach my workplace only to have to wait in a long line to slowly get on the elevator (the building didn’t allow us in the stairs for some reason and it was 10 floors up so I would have probably been the only one doing that anyway…). When I finally arrived at my ad agency, I would open my laptop to see the multitude of emails that had been pouring in during the last few hours. I would have already read all of them on my phone and probably responded to some before work hours because I hadn’t learned boundaries yet 😉 .

Then my workday would start full force complete with back to back meetings, dumb office politics and the expectation that I would somehow also get 8 hours of work done in addition to being in meetings the entire day. Tuesday would pass in a blur and before I knew it, it would be dark out. 8pm – an early night leaving the office 🙂 . I had finished enough of my work to stumble back to the subway and do all of this again in 12 hours.

In comparison, this morning I’m awakening without an alarm in Kyoto, Japan. The day is my oyster. If it’s sunny, I might start the day with a run while I listen for new-to-me birdcalls. If it’s rainy, I might curl up with one of the million books I’m excited to grab from my TBR pile before heading out on an adventure with my Mom.

I’ll eat some delicious food and see new things that ignite my curiosity and send me down research rabbit holes. Once we’re back from exploring I’ll likely do yoga or meditate. Maybe I’ll start writing a post for this blog because I feel the urge to create something. The point is, it’s completely my choice and that makes me so happy I could burst 🙂 .


But let’s forget about all of those mushy feelings for a bit and get to the cold, hard facts 😉 . In January 2015 I had a net worth of $53,352. And in January 2025 I have a net worth of $912,532. I post new net worth highs on my Insta Stories and my overall progress at the end of the month on Instagram. Here’s the last one from December:

From 2015 to now that’s a $859,180 increase despite me retiring in 2020 with $540,000. Just the market growth since I retired has been more than I would have saved if I continued working my high-stress marketing job this entire time instead of relaxing on beaches around the world. And that is beyond wild to me.

For another perspective, here is a chart of my net worth over the last decade:


My entire journey to FIRE happened from 2015-2020. I originally thought it would take me 10 years to reach my FIRE number based on my salary at the time ($65K) and my spending living in Manhattan. But then, I changed everything.

My Partner and I decided to move from NYC to Seattle for many reasons and there I found a new job for $85K while my spending dropped to about half of what I was spending in New York. I had an even more luxurious life for less just by using domestic geo-arbitrage.

Then in 2020 because of my increased income from job hopping paired with my lowered spending, I hit my FIRE number of $500,000 invested and quit my job shortly after.

Now instead of being on the eve of my retirement date, I’ve been retired for over 4 years and have almost surpassed a dangerous part of sequence of returns risk (the first 5 years), which can often predict if a retirement will be financially successful or not…and it’s looking real good 😉 . The first 10 years are the real predictor, but personally, I was curious about the first 5 to see if any changes needed to be made to keep this lovely work-free life going and wonderfully that doesn’t seem to be the case. I’m good to go 🙂 .


Speaking of retirement, that’s obviously the biggest thing that’s changed. In January 2015 I was living in NYC working at an ad agency for 10+ hours a day. Luckily, these days the stress that always had my shoulders approaching my ears is gone.

Now I’m a ‘seasoned’ early retiree that’s living a full-time nomad life traveling the world on a whim. I’ve been checking places and activities like the below off of my bucket list left and right.

I also learned how to be a full-time traveler, which took some getting used to, but like any skill I got better at it with time. I’ve also confirmed my hypothesis while working, that I was simply too tired to do the million hobbies I was curious about – or even remember what they were 🙂 .

In retirement I often feel like I have too much to do – even though they are all activities that I personally chose. There aren’t enough hours in the day to read all the books, learn all the languages, hang with all the loved ones and play all the video games that I want to. And that’s a wonderful problem to have.


I hinted at this earlier and did discuss it in general in my annual accomplishments post, but in retirement I’m in the best shape of my life. In 2015, besides walking around NYC, I didn’t do any exercise.

I had dabbled in gyms the years before, but I got obsessive with it and had to stop after I realized I was working out more than 6 hours a day, before and after work. I have a problem with moderation 😉 . So I went back to doing nothing but walking.

However, similar to the activities I talked about above, in retirement I have time to explore new things and that’s how I’ve gotten back into running, yoga, weightlifting, meditation, and even keto.

There’s no way I would have been able to juggle all of those things while also running more than I ever have before and losing 30 lbs like I did in 2024 if I was still working. Retirement has given me the time to be able to focus on my health and wellbeing and I’m so grateful for that.


In January 2015 I was living in Manhattan, and now I move around the world almost every month. After becoming a full-time nomad shortly after I retired and the world got vaccinated, I have since lived in 13 countries and 16 US States so far. And here is my ridiculous looking itinerary from the last few years:

2021 = Orange, 2022 = Blue, 2023 = Green, 2024 = Pink


I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. That’s partially because I’m not spending all of my energy working in a high-stress environment that requires long hours away from the people I love, but also because I now have the time and energy to focus on myself and what I need.

I don’t have to paste on a fake smile and head into work on the subway if I’m not feeling well or not feeling like ‘people-ling’ that day. I can just do what I need to be the best version of myself. I also have the time to just do what makes me happy, (which is chasing sunshine and eating delicious food 😉 ) while also learning new techniques to help my anxious brain.

I’ve been recording how my emotions are doing every month in retirement in my Monthly Recaps and it’s been great to see a steady improvement. I never would have expected my depression-having self to be this content, calm and collected, but retirement has given me the time to uncover who I could be and I’m so happy about that.


I could never have imagined this is where I would be after a decade. I originally believed that at this time in my life I would just be retiring, but instead I’ve been living my retired dreams for years. So much has changed in every aspect of my life and I’m immeasurably grateful that I took the first steps down this path and started saving my money. The future looks bright and I’m so happy I started this journey a decade ago. Thank you for being here 🙂 .

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40 thoughts on “10 Years Into My FIRE Journey: From $53K To $912K

  1. Way to go! So impressed and happy for you. Been following your journey for some time now.

    I have yet to pull the retirement trigger yet. Many one more years now but your retirement recap is inspiring

  2. Great recap! I am living vicariously through your adventures. Hopefully, I will start my own adventures soon. Thank you for your efforts!

  3. Woot!
    Go Purple!

    I’ve been reading for serval years and have really enjoyed your unique journey – I hope things continue well for you

  4. Congrats on your double 10-year anniversaries, Purple! I’ve been following you on this journey for about seven of these years, and you’ve been an absolute inspiration. Here’s to enjoying the next 10 years even more!

  5. This is one of your best posts yet. Been following your blog for a few years. You have been an inspiration to me these last few years. We finally hit fire in July 2023 and spent our first winter away in Mexico. We’ll be selling our house this year so we can travel more freely. I so look forward to seeing this beautiful world of ours.

    1. Thank you Julie 🙂 . And congratulations on hitting FIRE and making changes to travel more. That’s awesome. Enjoy!

  6. I certainly don’t want to be a downer, or sound like a jealous person- I fully admit that I am jealous I did not get it together like you did so young- but I have a question.

    I’m sure you have a plan, but what happens if or when you guys get too old to travel or have a mobility issue? I handled long term care for my parents and it is godawful if you technically have financial resources but don’t own a home. they take everything.

    1. Not Purple, but chiming in here – this is why a lot of early retirees end up settling somewhere like Spain or Portugal with a more affordable cost of living, excellent cheap healthcare, and visas that offer paths to permanent residency for retirees (and others.)

    2. That’s not a downer. I’m not planning to travel forever and I already have way more money than planned and am not even spending as much as I could be according to my financial models. As for long term care, I’d just pay for it. I’m also open to moving abroad somewhere where it’s more affordable. My financial models include spending a lot more as I get old and my health costs increase.

  7. So lovely purple. I have been following your story now for bout 4 years from when I first stumbled on your page.

    True inspiration. I am 33 now and looking to retire in the next 12 years at 45.

  8. I just love this recap. So cool to see what you have done and accomplished. Reading the difference that ten years make is incredible. Cheers and can’t wait to follow along to see what the next ten years brings you!

    1. Thank you Andrew! It really surprised me what a difference a decade can make. I’m curious to see what’s next too 🙂 .

  9. How are you feeling about all of the potential political changes in the US? Being chasing the FIRE path myself, I’m scared that many of these proposed changes will impact my ability to FIRE (i.e. removal of ACA, increased sales tax).

    1. I mean I’m not happy about it 🙂 , but my entire ‘job’ in retirement is to figure out how to keep my retirement going so I’ll figure it out once I know what’s actually going to happen and make a plan accordingly.

  10. Your life makes me jealous, and I’m retired too! You’ve really found the way to squeeze all the juice out of life.

    Now that you’ve done it for this long, do you still plan on being a full-time traveler indefinitely? Or do you think you’ll eventually want to settle down somewhere? Nomadic life looks like a lot of fun, but if it was me, I wonder if I’d start to miss having a home base after a while.

    1. Well that’s wild 🙂 . And thank you – “squeezing all the juice out of life” is my goal.

      I actually didn’t think I would be traveling full-time this long. But then I was surprised with how much I love it and now 5 years later here I am still doing it 🙂 . I’m currently planning to travel until I’m sick of it or something else takes precedent, but I don’t miss having a homebase. However, I have been thinking about getting an apartment to spend more time near family while still traveling like 1/3 of the year. TBD 🙂 .

  11. Enjoy Kyoto! I lived there for 2 years about a decade ago when you were starting your FIRE journey. If you like coffee, I recommend visiting the Blue Bottle there that’s in a renovated machiya.

  12. So cool! Thanks for sharing and enjoy Kyoto 🙂 I’m also curious to hear how you are feeling about full-time traveling after having done it for a few years. I’ve heard frequent travelers tell me that after a while every trip / new location kind of feels the same — do you have that feeling? Do you miss the feeling of having a “home base”? My sense is you’re taking it slow and living a nice life of hobbies at your various locations which help with the travel burnout. But would love to hear your thoughts 🙂

    1. ALSO also, I am curious if you’ll be interested to share your travel / experiences bucket list if you keep one 🙂

      1. I don’t keep an official one, but my big bucket list item was snorkeling the Great Barrier Reef, which I did a few years ago.

    2. That’s interesting – I think every place is very different. Every city I go to even in the US has unique features that surprise me and make them unique. I’m having a hard time understanding why someone would say every place feels the same 🙂 . I try to capture how different places are in my Slow Travel Reviews – how each place does things differently and as a result feel different.

      I answered the home base thing above, but I don’t miss having one. My life also doesn’t really feel like “traveling” to me because we take it so slow. I’m just living my life and the background location of that changes every month or so.

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