How I’m Using A Roth IRA Conversion Ladder To Access Retirement Funds Early: A Step-By-Step Guide

After I decided that I wanted to pursue financial independence in 2015, I had a laundry list of things I needed to research and learn before retirement. However, luckily I had 10 years to figure it out 🙂 . Even though that 10 year timeline became 5 when I retired in 2020, it turned out to be plenty of time to figure out all the minutiae of HOW I would actually take this leap.

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Review: Google Fi – The US & International Cell Service

So many anniversaries are sneaking up on me lately. I feel like we were just in Maine deciding to switch from Republic Wireless after 5 years to Google Fi, and now I’ve already been with them for a whole year! So let’s get into how it’s going with Google Fi and if I’m going to stay with them for another year.

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The Month Of México: April 2022 Recap

Ok – seriously, how is 2022 1/3 over? Traveling internationally has seriously made this year fly by. I need to recalibrate 🙂 . Anyway, after our month in Thailand, we hung out in the northeast that was flirting with spring before heading to our next adventure: México! Let’s see what I got up to this month 🙂 .

Continue reading “The Month Of México: April 2022 Recap”

Lessons Learned After 1 Year Of Airbnb Nomad Life

It’s official! We’ve been nomads living in Airbnbs full-time for over 12 months now. I was really curious to see how being a nomad would work out since I’d never tried living in long term Airbnbs before and I’m happy to say that it’s even better than I thought 🙂 . Continue reading “Lessons Learned After 1 Year Of Airbnb Nomad Life”

The Month Of Spring(?): March 2022 Recap

We’re back in the Northeast USA! After a month in Thailand, I landed in NYC, went to Connecticut for a hot second, and have been bopping around New York State, Massachusetts and Vermont ever since. It’s been a wild time – mostly because of the weather. It’s gone from a sub-zero snowpocalypse to 65 and sunny and back in the Northeast. I’m getting whiplash 🙂 .

Continue reading “The Month Of Spring(?): March 2022 Recap”