Cheers To 3 Years Of A Purple Life: Blog Highlights and a Q&A!

Ok, seriously, what the fuck is time? I swear I took this blog public like 5 seconds ago, not 3 years. I still remember the terror I felt that first week when everything seemingly went wrong 🙂 . Anyway, somehow time has passed and I can now celebrate 3 years of this weird blog being live. Continue reading “Cheers To 3 Years Of A Purple Life: Blog Highlights and a Q&A!”

Let’s Talk about “Lean FIRE” and “Fat FIRE”

These days when I’m curious about the consensus of thoughts in the world, I take to Twitter. The origin of one of my latest Twitter polls was someone recommending me as a “Lean FIRE” account to follow a few months ago. And to be honest, despite being grateful for the recommendation, that rubbed me the wrong way – and I wanted to investigate why 🙂 . Continue reading “Let’s Talk about “Lean FIRE” and “Fat FIRE””

The Month Of New Hampshire: Early Retirement Month 9 (June 2021)

Before we get into the topic today, I have a quick aside. After I failed at my goal of not being afraid to ask for self-recognition for two years in a row, I’ve decided that the streak won’t continue. So for the first time, I will mention that nominations for the Plutus Awards are open and will be closing soon. Continue reading “The Month Of New Hampshire: Early Retirement Month 9 (June 2021)”

Slow Travel Review: Portland, Maine, USA – The Land Of Deliciousness

I have been slowly stepping out of my comfort zone after quitting my job. First it was moving across the country from Washington to Georgia. Then it was seeing if I liked living in a tiny house. Then it was moving to the major city of Atlanta to see it in a way that even being born and raised in Georgia didn’t allow me to. Continue reading “Slow Travel Review: Portland, Maine, USA – The Land Of Deliciousness”