3 Months To Retirement: Are My Global Travel Plans Changing?

Short Answer: Maybe. Buckle up for the much longer answer. My original plan for this year was to move out of our apartment when our lease is up in July and stay in 2 monthly AirBnBs in Seattle. Then I would quit my job in September and go to FinCon (which I will no longer be attending because of the founder’s behavior here, here and here). Lastly, I was planning to fly to Australia and New Zealand. Continue reading “3 Months To Retirement: Are My Global Travel Plans Changing?”

What Happened When I Shared My Salary With My Coworkers?

I was chased out of the village by a crowd of pitchfork and torch wielding maniacs and then I exploded!!!….Obviously I’m just kidding. Absolutely nothing bad happened. No one shunned me or treated me differently or asked me for money. So, let’s get into what DID happen. Continue reading “What Happened When I Shared My Salary With My Coworkers?”

The Stages Of Impatience On The Path To Financial Independence

Ah impatience – my old friend. Throughout my 5+ years on this journey to financial independence, I’ve tried countless mind tricks to distract myself and remind my brain that being in the workforce for 10 years instead of 35 is a relatively short amount of time. But, it rarely works. I am not the most patient person 🙂 . Continue reading “The Stages Of Impatience On The Path To Financial Independence”

4 Months To Retirement: Trying To Find Silver Linings In A Pandemic

We’re on Week 10 of quarantine in Seattle. Our first stay-at-home order extension was set to end yesterday, but unsurprisingly has been extended to May 31st (at least). So as I mentally prepare to see only my partner for a total of at least 3.5 months (even serious introverts have their limits…), I’ve been reflecting on the possible improvements to our world that could stem from this pandemic. Continue reading “4 Months To Retirement: Trying To Find Silver Linings In A Pandemic”

How To Enjoy Working From Home During A Pandemic (A Parody)

I was speaking to a friend of mine the other day, and she told me that she read an article about “How To Do Your Best Work From Home” and her first reaction to the advice was, “FUCK! YOU!” I found this funny, especially coming from this sweet and kindhearted friend who rarely curses. Continue reading “How To Enjoy Working From Home During A Pandemic (A Parody)”