The Year Of Fitness: 2024 Goals & Accomplishments

Throughout the year, I like to jot down new things I’ve learned, read, watched and experienced to try and remember what each year entailed. I then summarize all of that in my annual goals and accomplishments posts.

The goal of these posts is not just to curate what I’ve been up to, but also to document how I’ve changed from one year to the next and how I’ve grown as a person. I also like to give each year a theme in retrospect. I’ve decided that 2024 has been The Year Of Fitness. Let’s jump into why 🙂 . Continue reading “The Year Of Fitness: 2024 Goals & Accomplishments”

The Year Of Reading: 2023 Goals & Accomplishments

Guess what 🙂 ? This is the 500th post on this blog!!! That number is completely wild to me, but I guess that’s what happens when I do something for almost a decade. Ridiculous. Anyway, thank you for being here 🙂 . Now let’s get back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Throughout the year, I like to write down new things I’ve learned, read, watched and experienced to try and remember what each year entailed and how they differ. I then summarize all of that in my annual goals and accomplishments posts. The goal of these posts is not just to curate what I’ve been up to, but also to document how I have changed from one year to the next and how I’ve grown as a person. Continue reading “The Year Of Reading: 2023 Goals & Accomplishments”

From 0% to Fluent: How I Learned Spanish in 1 Year

I’ve always been fascinated by languages. In my youth I declared that I wanted to speak at least 10 of them. Unfortunately after several years studying French in school and barely being able to order ice cream in Paris, I accepted that languages do not come particularly easily to me. So I had to change my approach 🙂 . Continue reading “From 0% to Fluent: How I Learned Spanish in 1 Year”

The Year Of Spanish: 2022 Goals & Accomplishments

Throughout the year, I like to jot down new things I’ve learned, read, watched and experienced to try and remember what each year entailed. I then summarize all of that in my annual goals and accomplishments posts. The goal of these posts is not just to curate what I’ve been up to, but also to document how I have changed from one year to the next and how I’ve grown as a person. Continue reading “The Year Of Spanish: 2022 Goals & Accomplishments”

How I Read 52 Non-Fiction Books In 52 Weeks

In 2021 I set a wild goal: to read 52 non-fiction books in the 52 weeks of the year. I did this as a result of feeling like I struggled to even finish a non-fiction book before retirement. The list of things I’m curious about and want to learn is long, and I thought this ambitious goal would be helpful and fun (what an idiot I was 😉 ). Continue reading “How I Read 52 Non-Fiction Books In 52 Weeks”

The Year Of Flexibility: 2021 Goals & Accomplishments

Throughout the year, I like to jot down new things I’ve learned, read, watched and experienced to try and remember what each year entailed. I then summarize all of that in my annual goals and accomplishments posts. The goal of these posts is not just to curate what I’ve been up to, but also to document how I have changed from one year to the next and how I have grown as a person. Continue reading “The Year Of Flexibility: 2021 Goals & Accomplishments”

Is Retirement Everything I Dreamed? A 6 Month Check-In

The journey to financial independence is the opposite of a get rich quick scheme. It is indeed a get rich slow scheme, which is a lot less sexy I hear 🙂 . However, one of the benefits of the “slow and steady wins the race” perspective that aiming for FIRE provides, is that it gives ample time to think about what you want post-retirement life to look like. Continue reading “Is Retirement Everything I Dreamed? A 6 Month Check-In”

The Year Of Resilience: 2020 Goals & Accomplishments

Throughout the year, I jot down new things I learned, read, watched and experienced to try and remember what that year involved. I then summarize all of that in my annual goals and accomplishments posts. The goal of these posts is not just to curate what I’ve been up to, but also to document how I have changed from one year to the next and how I have grown as a person.

Continue reading “The Year Of Resilience: 2020 Goals & Accomplishments”