The Year of Reflection: 2019 Goals & Accomplishments

In my old age, time seems to be flying by. So when I started this blog, I began jotting down what I learned, read and experienced throughout a year to try and remember what that year involved outside the 90% of my mental energy that is usually spent thinking about work. Continue reading “The Year of Reflection: 2019 Goals & Accomplishments”

2018 Goals & Accomplishments

The last few years I’ve started to record non-monetary goals and accomplishments (for monetary goals check out my annual State Of The Union posts at the end of the year). Despite my whining, in hindsight time seems to pass very quickly and without documenting what has changed from one year to the next I have a hard time differentiating them and seeing what progress was made and how I’m advancing as a person. So buckle in and let’s dive into what I got up to in 2018! Continue reading “2018 Goals & Accomplishments”

2017 State of the Union

This year I had more than just monetary goals. They were:

  • Max my 401K ($18,000)
  • Max a Roth IRA ($5,500)
  • Overall invest $54,500 for a savings rate of 75%
  • Have a net worth of $200,000
  • Decrease my spending from $22,491.86 to $18,000
  • Lose 28 lbs by eating low-carb/high-fat and have a normal BMI for the first time without starving myself
  • Determine when I can retire based on my current salary and savings rate

Continue reading “2017 State of the Union”

2017 Accomplishments

The last few years I’ve started to record my accomplishments throughout the year. Time seems to pass fairly quickly and without documenting it I have a hard time remembering what was different from one year to the next, what progress was made and how I’m advancing as a person. So let’s dive into some of the things that made 2017 unique! Continue reading “2017 Accomplishments”