The human brain does not seem particularly adept at cataloging time: the uniqueness, the new experiences. Ever since I stopped journaling daily I have been recording my life through pictures and reviews that I upload to facebook, but I realized that there are a lot of things that mark my year that are not seen in pictures. So I started an annual list of accomplishments: what new experiences I had and how this year was different from any other. Let’s check it out! Continue reading “2015 Accomplishments”
Category: Annual Accomplishments
2015 State of the Union
I fucking did it. I started this year with the goals to:
- Max my 401K
- Max my Traditional IRA
- Max my HSA
- Overall contribute $35,000 to investments
State of the Union: 2014

Through my reading of the books and articles I listed in my first post I’ve gone from knowing basically nothing about the stock market and calling my parent’s mutual fund manager to ask what 401K plan to enroll in to at least an intermediate level. And with that knowledge has come a sense of calm and an understanding that flexibility and knowledge are the only kind of security.
Continue reading “State of the Union: 2014”