The Month Of Birds: Early Retirement Month 5 (February 2021)

Another month of early retirement down and another intro where I express disbelief that time is flying so fast 🙂 . 2021 also seems to be going by faster than 2020, but maybe that’s because I’m used to pandemic quarantine life now…or maybe I’m just inviting the gods to prove me wrong in March – Please no 🙂 ! Anyway, fingers crossed this March is lightyears better than the last one. In the meantime, let’s get into what I got up to last month.

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The Month Of Rest: Early Retirement Month 4 (January 2021)

Welcome to a new year! After tweeting about a lot of random thoughts and wildlife encounters, someone on Twitter called my life “excitedly mundane” and I think that is a compliment 🙂 . So let’s see what kind of ridiculousness I got up to during the first month of 2021. Continue reading “The Month Of Rest: Early Retirement Month 4 (January 2021)”

Early Retirement Week 12: The Holiday

Unfortunately, today I’m not talking about the ridiculous and amazing movie The Holiday, but instead what I got up to during Week 12 of early retirement 😉 . Continue reading “Early Retirement Week 12: The Holiday”

Early Retirement Week 11: The Recharge

Happy New Years Eve! Just a reminder that this is the second to last weekly update I’ll be doing before switching to monthly. I’m sure y’all have some festivities to get to, so let’s get right into it 😉 .

Continue reading “Early Retirement Week 11: The Recharge”

Early Retirement Week 10: The Game

Y’all have spoken! Last week, I checked in to make sure these weekly updates are still something you’re interested in and got a resounding yes, so the weekly updates will continue for another 2 weeks after this one. This is weekly update 10/12 before I switch to monthly updates!

Continue reading “Early Retirement Week 10: The Game”

Early Retirement Week 9: Should This Be The Last Weekly Update?

Hey y’all! This is Weekly Update 9/12 based on the schedule I gave out a few months ago so I wanted to check in and see if you’re still enjoying these. My Week 8 update last week was the first post since I took this blog public that didn’t receive any comments the day I posted it (and I live for comments 😉 ) so let me know if you’re tired of these updates or this format or what and we can switch it up. If these have gone on too long this can be the last weekly update – I don’t want to bore y’all 🙂 . In the meantime, let’s get into it!

Continue reading “Early Retirement Week 9: Should This Be The Last Weekly Update?”

Early Retirement Week 8: The Challenge

This week was tough for reasons I totally created myself 🙂 . That’s the fun thing about retirement – if a week is hard and you chose to do all the things that leave you tired, you have no one to blame but yourself…and luckily I’m fine with that 😉 .
Continue reading “Early Retirement Week 8: The Challenge”

Early Retirement Week 7: The Train

Welcome to PurpleMas! I’ve got a special treat for y’all. After the success of my NaNoWriMo writing challenge: I’m going to publish 2 posts a week during the month of December! So get ready for a lot more Purple in your life every Tuesday and Thursday 🙂 . Continue reading “Early Retirement Week 7: The Train”