FIRE Is For Wimps

Yeah it’s a bit of a clickbait title, but I couldn’t help myself because: IT’S TRUE! Mainstream media likes to portray people who pursue FIRE as “EXTREME”! But I have a secret to tell you – one that if you read this blog you already know: FIRE people are huge wimps. Myself included! We are so far from extreme that I laugh when I see those headlines. Continue reading “FIRE Is For Wimps”

How It Felt To Get Rid Of Everything I Own

It was uncomfortable, stressful and I hated it 🙂 . We’ve been settled into our new nomad life for a few weeks now and looking back, I can confirm that getting rid of all my stuff was one of the most uncomfortable things I’ve ever done, but I can also already tell it was worth it. Continue reading “How It Felt To Get Rid Of Everything I Own”

What’s My Health Insurance Plan As A Nomad and Early Retiree?

The main concern I have heard from US citizens who want to pursue early retirement is how to handle healthcare. Our country is messed up for many reasons, but we also happen to spend more per capita than any other developed nation on healthcare AND have worse outcomes. We pay more for less – how wonderful! Continue reading “What’s My Health Insurance Plan As A Nomad and Early Retiree?”

2 Months To Retirement: Shifting From Nomadic Packing to A Micro-Move

My original plan for retirement involved dropping the mic at work and then exploring Australia, New Zealand and Argentina before going to New York to visit family for Christmas. Now that ‘Rona is deciding our fate, I’m instead looking at perhaps a year or more of staying in the US. Instead of global travel, I’ve pivoted to my other main goal in retirement: spending time with loved ones. Continue reading “2 Months To Retirement: Shifting From Nomadic Packing to A Micro-Move”

3 Months To Retirement: Are My Global Travel Plans Changing?

Short Answer: Maybe. Buckle up for the much longer answer. My original plan for this year was to move out of our apartment when our lease is up in July and stay in 2 monthly AirBnBs in Seattle. Then I would quit my job in September and go to FinCon (which I will no longer be attending because of the founder’s behavior here, here and here). Lastly, I was planning to fly to Australia and New Zealand. Continue reading “3 Months To Retirement: Are My Global Travel Plans Changing?”

The Stages Of Impatience On The Path To Financial Independence

Ah impatience – my old friend. Throughout my 5+ years on this journey to financial independence, I’ve tried countless mind tricks to distract myself and remind my brain that being in the workforce for 10 years instead of 35 is a relatively short amount of time. But, it rarely works. I am not the most patient person 🙂 . Continue reading “The Stages Of Impatience On The Path To Financial Independence”

4 Months To Retirement: Trying To Find Silver Linings In A Pandemic

We’re on Week 10 of quarantine in Seattle. Our first stay-at-home order extension was set to end yesterday, but unsurprisingly has been extended to May 31st (at least). So as I mentally prepare to see only my partner for a total of at least 3.5 months (even serious introverts have their limits…), I’ve been reflecting on the possible improvements to our world that could stem from this pandemic. Continue reading “4 Months To Retirement: Trying To Find Silver Linings In A Pandemic”