FIRE Is For Wimps

Yeah it’s a bit of a clickbait title, but I couldn’t help myself because: IT’S TRUE! Mainstream media likes to portray people who pursue FIRE as “EXTREME”! But I have a secret to tell you – one that if you read this blog you already know: FIRE people are huge wimps. Myself included! We are so far from extreme that I laugh when I see those headlines. Continue reading “FIRE Is For Wimps”

How It Felt To Get Rid Of Everything I Own

It was uncomfortable, stressful and I hated it 🙂 . We’ve been settled into our new nomad life for a few weeks now and looking back, I can confirm that getting rid of all my stuff was one of the most uncomfortable things I’ve ever done, but I can also already tell it was worth it. Continue reading “How It Felt To Get Rid Of Everything I Own”

What’s My Health Insurance Plan As A Nomad and Early Retiree?

The main concern I have heard from US citizens who want to pursue early retirement is how to handle healthcare. Our country is messed up for many reasons, but we also happen to spend more per capita than any other developed nation on healthcare AND have worse outcomes. We pay more for less – how wonderful! Continue reading “What’s My Health Insurance Plan As A Nomad and Early Retiree?”