How I Navigated My Finances

I’ve always been fairly good with money, but I never realized the power of investing and compound interest until I was well into adulthood.

My Prototype
I was more of a “hide it under your mattress” hoarder of money –which I now know is a surefire way to deplete money’s buying power through inflation — but as a young kid I had no idea.  At age 7, I tried my luck at money lending to my step-siblings. That didn’t go too well, since I didn’t have debt collectors at my disposal and they had a hard time taking their youngest sibling seriously. Growing up my parents paid us for chores done around the house.  When we received the money (usually $1 per chore) we were shocked to discover that we only received $0.33 for every dollar. “Taxes and Social Security” my Mom said.
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Extending My Timeline to 2022: I Don’t Hate My Job

In my 2016 State of the Union post I mentioned that I’ve changed my FIRE timeline twice in the past year. Last January I ran the numbers and decided that no matter what I was retiring on the eve on my 30th birthday in October of 2019. To accomplish this I decided that I would live on $14,000 a year, which is $4,000 less than my projected annual spend based on my current living situation ($18,000). I discovered and researched a large list of side hustles that could bring this minimal amount of income to make up the difference and discovered that that same $4,000 is what I usually spend on opulent vacations – which I assume I’ll need less of when my entire life is a vacation. Continue reading “Extending My Timeline to 2022: I Don’t Hate My Job”

The Real Reason I Want to Retire

The real reason I want to retire: Because death is coming.

I know I think about death more than I should. It’s almost a daily occurrence – if not multiple times a day. This is my only life. My conscious time in this universe is constantly counting down. My time in this body and with the people I love is continually diminishing. And I refuse to awaken one day – like many of my relatives have – and realize my best days are behind me. I don’t want to be filled with regret over what I should have done in my life, unable to move on and constantly fixated on the past because I’ll never have that again. That is my greatest fear. Continue reading “The Real Reason I Want to Retire”

Why I Want to Retire

I want retire because my life is working (workdays) and recovering from working (weeknights and weekends). There is no room in that cycle for the life I want. And perhaps it is my fault for choosing a career where I interact with people all day that completely drains my introverted core – and at rare times invigorates me with creativity. But it’s also what I’m good at. It’s well paid work that doesn’t involve extra schooling or skills.

So I want to retire. I want to see what I can get up to when my life is not a cycle of drain and recovery. That’s all.

FIRE Anniversary

I thought the first time I became serious about financial independence was October 2014, but I was looking at a Facebook Timehop today and was greeted with this a link to an NY Times article entitled “Why You Hate Work” and my comment “Thank you for perfectly articulating what I’ve been trying to say. Early retirement here I come!” I don’t remember posting this or what was happening at the time, but apparently exactly one year ago I declared that I would retire early. My FIRE anniversary has come early!

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