I was recently sent a self help presentation that basically asked that we all learn to separate what they called Means Goals and End Goals. A Means Goal is basically a means to an end and the End Goal is that end result. My Means Goal is to reach financial independence through working and saving while still living life to the fullest. Continue reading “My Ideal Retirement: The Perfect Life”
Category: Early Retirement
My 10 Year Plan

Discovering FIRE Bloggers
My partner enjoys reading reddit and had mentioned that I should read the blog of Mr. Money Mustache. I went to his site and read a random article about him being sued, decided this blog wasn’t for me and moved on. I had such patience back then 🙂 . A few months later I returned randomly, saw the site had undergone a complete overhaul and was welcomed by a giant Start Here. Instead of reading about him being sued I was taken on a step-by-step journey of how he retired at 31. This began a month long obsession of reading everything MMM has ever written. Continue reading “Discovering FIRE Bloggers”
10 Years to Financial Independence
A few months ago I decided that I am now 10 years to retirement. According to my calculations growing a nest egg that would allow me to retire in 10 years (at age 35) is more than doable based on my current salary and savings rate. Even though I’ve only been working for 3.5 years it was quickly apparent to me that working for other people, commuting to an office every day and working towards goals that are not aligned with my own is not something I want to do for 40 years. So I decided to change it.