A third of 2023 is over and I must politely ask: What the fuck 🙂 ? Time is barreling forward because (I assume?) I’m having too much fun. So let’s see what I got up to in the fourth month of the year.
Continue reading “The Month Of California: April 2023 Recap”
Category: Early Retirement
The Month Of Sea: March 2023 Recap
How is 25% of 2023 already over?!? I refuse to believe it 🙂 . This year is flying by, but I can confirm that it’s because I’m having fun, so I have no complaints. This month I continued to enjoy New Hampshire, the sea and the start of spring. Let’s see what I got up to!
How I Spend $1,500 A Year To Manage A Chronic Disease As A Global Nomad
One of my main concerns about retiring early in the US was about how I would handle healthcare. Our country is fucked up for many reasons, but we also happen to spend more per capita than any other developed nation on healthcare AND have worse outcomes. We pay more for less – how wonderful 🙂 ! Continue reading “How I Spend $1,500 A Year To Manage A Chronic Disease As A Global Nomad”
The Month Of New Hampshire: February 2023 Recap
I did it y’all!!! I survived my first ‘real’ winter in almost a decade and unlike any previous time, I…enjoyed it?!?! It’s obviously been a wild month with a lot of revelations so let’s see what I got up to and how I came to these new conclusions.
Continue reading “The Month Of New Hampshire: February 2023 Recap”
The Month Of Snow: January 2023 Recap
Happy New Year! I made it to a new year so I’m feeling grateful (though I guess my pessimism is showing 😉 …) . Anyway, this month was marked by snow and cold because I chose to spend the winter outside of tropical climates for the first time since I retired. Was it worth it? Am I losing my mind while looking out a frosted window? Let’s find out 🙂 . Here’s what I did this month: Continue reading “The Month Of Snow: January 2023 Recap”
The Month Of Holiday Cheer: December 2022 Recap
And just like that, 2022 was at an end… Weird 🙂 . 2022 was filled with so much travel, food and fun that it seemed to fly by. Years used to feel a bit infinite, but now they’re whizzing past. I’m glad I have these posts to look back on and remember what I did with that time 🙂 . So let’s see what I got up to during the last month of 2022!
Continue reading “The Month Of Holiday Cheer: December 2022 Recap”
How Retirement Allows Me To Live My Childhood Dreams
I find it a little bit cruel that we ask children what they want to be when they grow up. Maybe it’s my pessimism, but asking a kid what they would most like to do only for them to have the facts of the world slap them in the face down the line, messed me up a bit 🙂 . However, I may be an outlier. Continue reading “How Retirement Allows Me To Live My Childhood Dreams”
The Year Of Spanish: 2022 Goals & Accomplishments
Throughout the year, I like to jot down new things I’ve learned, read, watched and experienced to try and remember what each year entailed. I then summarize all of that in my annual goals and accomplishments posts. The goal of these posts is not just to curate what I’ve been up to, but also to document how I have changed from one year to the next and how I’ve grown as a person. Continue reading “The Year Of Spanish: 2022 Goals & Accomplishments”