Let’s Talk about “Lean FIRE” and “Fat FIRE”

These days when I’m curious about the consensus of thoughts in the world, I take to Twitter. The origin of one of my latest Twitter polls was someone recommending me as a “Lean FIRE” account to follow a few months ago. And to be honest, despite being grateful for the recommendation, that rubbed me the wrong way – and I wanted to investigate why 🙂 . Continue reading “Let’s Talk about “Lean FIRE” and “Fat FIRE””

The Month Of New Hampshire: Early Retirement Month 9 (June 2021)

Before we get into the topic today, I have a quick aside. After I failed at my goal of not being afraid to ask for self-recognition for two years in a row, I’ve decided that the streak won’t continue. So for the first time, I will mention that nominations for the Plutus Awards are open and will be closing soon. Continue reading “The Month Of New Hampshire: Early Retirement Month 9 (June 2021)”

Instacart Review: An Everything Delivery Service

I’ve recently explained my experience with several companies and readers have responded positively saying that they hadn’t heard of or tried the service I mentioned so I’ve decided to continue this trend! Continue reading “Instacart Review: An Everything Delivery Service”

Things You Don’t Actually Have To Worry About In Retirement

In today’s episode of “Things I’ve Spent Too Long Worrying About That Don’t Matter” I bring you: my revelations of what you do not actually have to worry about in retirement. I am in no way an expert on…well…anything (obviously 😉 ), but based on my almost 8 months of experience, here’s what I’ve got. I hope that knowing about my experience can save you some mental time on your journey. Continue reading “Things You Don’t Actually Have To Worry About In Retirement”

Why I Switched To Google Fi (And How I Got A Free Phone Out Of It)

I know what you’re thinking: Is she switching because Fi looks like Financial Independence? Sadly, no. I’m not that shallow 😉 . Also strangely, the internet doesn’t know what the Fi in Google Fi stands for. I suspected it was related to Wi-Fi, but then went down a rabbit hole and discovered that the “Fi” in that doesn’t have a specific meaning either. Continue reading “Why I Switched To Google Fi (And How I Got A Free Phone Out Of It)”

The Month Of Atlanta: Early Retirement Month 7 (April 2021)

I mentioned in a recent post that I self-named April the month of optimism and I’ve maintained that thought through the end of the month. I am a pessimist at heart and 2020 challenged even my sense of what a hellscape could look like, but I’m currently feeling…hopeful 🙂 . Let’s see why:

Continue reading “The Month Of Atlanta: Early Retirement Month 7 (April 2021)”

My Favorite Free Tools: Trick People Into Thinking You Have Your Life Together

When I was still working, I would always laugh when someone inevitably mentioned that I “had it all together.” At times I was a project manager so organization was key and I kicked ass at my job, but such comments always made me laugh to myself. Continue reading “My Favorite Free Tools: Trick People Into Thinking You Have Your Life Together”

Is Retirement Everything I Dreamed? A 6 Month Check-In

The journey to financial independence is the opposite of a get rich quick scheme. It is indeed a get rich slow scheme, which is a lot less sexy I hear 🙂 . However, one of the benefits of the “slow and steady wins the race” perspective that aiming for FIRE provides, is that it gives ample time to think about what you want post-retirement life to look like. Continue reading “Is Retirement Everything I Dreamed? A 6 Month Check-In”