Early Retirement Week 12: The Holiday

Unfortunately, today I’m not talking about the ridiculous and amazing movie The Holiday, but instead what I got up to during Week 12 of early retirement 😉 . Continue reading “Early Retirement Week 12: The Holiday”

The Meta-Weirdness Of Making Money From A FIRE Blog In Retirement

I’m here to tell you the real truth. FIRE Blogging is a scam. It’s the only way to ‘retire early’ and I know the secret of how you can do it too! Continue reading “The Meta-Weirdness Of Making Money From A FIRE Blog In Retirement”

How I Lived On $15,886 In 2020

What a year! It definitely wasn’t what I expected, but if I’m grasping for a silver lining: the amount I spent would be one of them. I barely left my house for most of the year, which obviously kept costs down 😉 . However, instead of clawing at the walls, I learned new ways to have fun and be social without stepping out of my front door (which I admit I enjoyed probably more than I should have…#HardcoreIntrovert) Continue reading “How I Lived On $15,886 In 2020”

Early Retirement Week 10: The Game

Y’all have spoken! Last week, I checked in to make sure these weekly updates are still something you’re interested in and got a resounding yes, so the weekly updates will continue for another 2 weeks after this one. This is weekly update 10/12 before I switch to monthly updates!

Continue reading “Early Retirement Week 10: The Game”

Early Retirement Week 9: Should This Be The Last Weekly Update?

Hey y’all! This is Weekly Update 9/12 based on the schedule I gave out a few months ago so I wanted to check in and see if you’re still enjoying these. My Week 8 update last week was the first post since I took this blog public that didn’t receive any comments the day I posted it (and I live for comments 😉 ) so let me know if you’re tired of these updates or this format or what and we can switch it up. If these have gone on too long this can be the last weekly update – I don’t want to bore y’all 🙂 . In the meantime, let’s get into it!

Continue reading “Early Retirement Week 9: Should This Be The Last Weekly Update?”

How I Saved $62,000 In 2020

Another year done and what a year it’s been. I feel like I’m saying that every week, but December for me is about reflection and unfortunately there’s a lot to reflect on 🙂 . Continue reading “How I Saved $62,000 In 2020”

Early Retirement Week 8: The Challenge

This week was tough for reasons I totally created myself 🙂 . That’s the fun thing about retirement – if a week is hard and you chose to do all the things that leave you tired, you have no one to blame but yourself…and luckily I’m fine with that 😉 .
Continue reading “Early Retirement Week 8: The Challenge”

A Review Of Lively: My HSA Provider

When I first heard of tax-advantaged investment accounts, they sounded too good to be true. My thoughts included, “What do you mean I can put money into a Traditional IRA without paying taxes on it first?” and, “What do you mean I can take money out of a Roth IRA without paying taxes on the backend?” This class of investments sounded like some kind of dark magic. Continue reading “A Review Of Lively: My HSA Provider”