Early Retirement Week 7: The Train

Welcome to PurpleMas! I’ve got a special treat for y’all. After the success of my NaNoWriMo writing challenge: I’m going to publish 2 posts a week during the month of December! So get ready for a lot more Purple in your life every Tuesday and Thursday 🙂 . Continue reading “Early Retirement Week 7: The Train”

Early Retirement Week 6: The Trophy

Welcome to Week 6 of my early retirement journey! If you want to catch up with previous weeks, they’re here. It’s starting to settle in that this might be my actual life instead of a strange extra-long vacation 🙂 . Let’s get into it!

Continue reading “Early Retirement Week 6: The Trophy”

Early Retirement Week 5: The Election

Last week we tackled reader questions about my first month of early retirement and this week, we’re back to our regularly scheduled programming of seeing what I am up to each week of retirement. Did I insert that AMA post so I’d have more time to craft these posts after the week is done? Maybe 😉 . Continue reading “Early Retirement Week 5: The Election”

Early Retirement Month 1: Ask Me Anything

I love answering y’alls burning questions so I put out the call on Twitter and Instagram to see what inquiries you had for me to answer while celebrating my first month of retirement! Continue reading “Early Retirement Month 1: Ask Me Anything”

Early Retirement Week 4: The Heartbeat

Welcome, welcome to The Purple Show! Before I forget, this is a reminder that next Tuesday I’m answering your questions to celebrate my first month of retirement! So let me know if you have any specific questions you want me to answer in the comments below. Now, here’s what I’ve been up to this week: Continue reading “Early Retirement Week 4: The Heartbeat”

Early Retirement Week 3: The Whiplash

Hello and welcome to another installment of “Inside Purple’s Head.” Buckle up kiddos…

Continue reading “Early Retirement Week 3: The Whiplash”

Early Retirement Week 2: The Vacation

Welcome to another installment of exploring what’s inside my head during the first few weeks of retirement! You’ve been warned 😉 … Continue reading “Early Retirement Week 2: The Vacation”

Celebrating 5 Years With Republic Wireless: A Comprehensive Review

In 2015 I decided to pursue financial independence. I wanted the freedom to do whatever I wanted without the stress of wondering if those things could pay my bills. Continue reading “Celebrating 5 Years With Republic Wireless: A Comprehensive Review”