Dumbass Stuff I’ve Done To Save Money

My voice has been traveling through the airwaves lately. I was interviewed on a few podcast episodes that recently dropped (if you’re interested in listening: I have them all on my press page and update that regularly). Continue reading “Dumbass Stuff I’ve Done To Save Money”

6 Months To Retirement: This Is Starting To Feel Real

Reality is setting in y’all. I feel similar to how I did right before we moved across the country without a house, job or knowing basically anyone on this side of the country. I had made the decision and I knew it was the right one, but it was still terrifying. I was leaving the best job I’d ever had behind, along with the best apartment I’d ever had and all the friends I’d made in my adult life. I was petrified. Continue reading “6 Months To Retirement: This Is Starting To Feel Real”

How To Celebrate Love Without Breaking The Bank

My partner and I recently celebrated 11 years of being together. Last week also included the suspicious holiday of Valentine’s Day (I’m suspicious of holidays that corporations use as a means to promote spending money and buying crap, but I digress). Because of these two events, this seemed like a good time to reflect on how my partner and I are able to celebrate our love without throwing our wallets out the window. Continue reading “How To Celebrate Love Without Breaking The Bank”

I Qualify For Social Security! (But I’m Not Depending On It)

It’s happened y’all! I’ve worked long enough to earn 40 social security credits and have now been inducted into the club of Americans who will receive some of the money the government has been taking from my paycheck my whole career. WOOHOO! Continue reading “I Qualify For Social Security! (But I’m Not Depending On It)”

How I Saved $68,000 In 2019

Also known as every dollar I didn’t spend in 2019! One year ago I declared the following monetary goals for 2019:

  • Max my 401K ($19,000)
  • Max a Roth IRA ($6,000)
  • Overall invest $68,000
  • Continue spending around $18,000

Continue reading “How I Saved $68,000 In 2019”

The Year of Reflection: 2019 Goals & Accomplishments

In my old age, time seems to be flying by. So when I started this blog, I began jotting down what I learned, read and experienced throughout a year to try and remember what that year involved outside the 90% of my mental energy that is usually spent thinking about work. Continue reading “The Year of Reflection: 2019 Goals & Accomplishments”

Should I Reveal My Identity Online?

When I decided to pursue financial independence at the beginning of 2015 I started looking for role models to follow – people that have written about their experience that could help me understand what I would be in for and what to expect during this journey. Luckily there are now an abundance of blogs on the internet that are available for free and detail people’s journey to and through early retirement. Continue reading “Should I Reveal My Identity Online?”