10,000th Day and $150,000 Net Worth

While I was on vacation in Thailand I hit my 10,000th day of being alive. That went quickly! The market was also at an all time high and I hit $150,000 in net worth. WOAH. I expected that to happen when I got my next paycheck in March, but the rampaging market made it happen sooner. I started the year 2 months ago with $137,000 and we’re already at $150K with only 1 paycheck under my belt. I almost can’t believe it and I know it won’t last: the market will drop, maybe this month, maybe this year, maybe in a few years – I have no idea, but it will and I will see myself lose maybe half of my savings. Watching it grow in this current market and feeling that satisfaction will hopefully get me through that darker time. But in the meantime I will celebrate :). This was my first vacation where I had no job stress to think about. I even deleted my work email from my phone. I believe I am 1500 days (or less) from retirement and living life on my own terms. Bring it!

Lessons Learned from My Mom

When I look around I can tell that I’m different from other people. Some have even told me so. I’m not sure if they meant it as an insult, but I didn’t take it that way. When I look around even a less consumer city (compared to NYC) like Seattle I see people in name brand coats with name brand bags wearing the same name brand boots. They like to talk about the other name brand things they are planning to buy while decked out daily in jewelry and make up. Continue reading “Lessons Learned from My Mom”

2016 Taxes Conquered!

“I AM A GOLDEN GOD!!!” That’s what I kept screaming after I did my taxes, unassisted, for the first time tonight. It also happened to be me and my partner’s anniversary – the perfect time to run some numbers :). Despite how annoying and seemingly redundant our tax forms are I was so excited that I was able to do it on my own! Continue reading “2016 Taxes Conquered!”

I Don’t Want To Be A Financial Adviser

After hearing that I want to retire early several people have tried to talk me out of it – saying that I just haven’t found the right career or job. “What do you like to do?” they ask. “Personal finance” I respond. “Why don’t you become a financial adviser?” they say. My original response was that I do not like the idea of my pay being linked to giving biased or bad advice. Continue reading “I Don’t Want To Be A Financial Adviser”

The Power of an Emergency Fund

“I heard there might be layoffs” my colleague said to me, her eyes wide. “Cool” I replied while turning back to my computer. She looked at me in shock. Apparently that wasn’t the normal response. I’ve worked in ad agencies all of my career and I have been laid off three times in five years. The shortest time I’ve been at a company is two weeks. The ad world is extremely turbulent. We are at the whims of other companies (our clients) and their budget. It’s a service industry and if big companies are tightening their belts in response to a recession, for example, there is a lot less ad money and agencies have almost yearly layoffs as a result. And who gets laid off? The newest, youngest hires AKA me 🙂 .

Continue reading “The Power of an Emergency Fund”

Maxing 401K in 4 Months

I seem to always inspire weird looks in my HR departments :). Apparently they see 62% contribution to 401K and think I forgot a decimal point. At my new company I’ve been asked I believe 3 times in a 2 month period if my election was correct. Yes it is :). When I started at my new company on November 15, 2016 I calculated what election percentage I needed to max my 401K by December 31 despite being funemployed for 4 months. And that was 62% so I made it happen and I maxed it (within a few hundred that the no decimal point awarded me). Continue reading “Maxing 401K in 4 Months”

The Results of an Uber Frugal Month

This January I embarked on an Uber Frugal Month with Mrs. Frugalwoods. You basically cut out or down on all unnecessary spending. I’m very happy this coincided with my new low carb, high fat diet. It made me not even want to eat out which is unheard of. Continue reading “The Results of an Uber Frugal Month”

I Accidentally Became a Financial Advisor

A few financial bloggers that I read regularly have mentioned how in retirement you will most likely accidentally earn money. As an early retiree you’ll have 30+ years of health and energy ahead of you instead of 5 or less. I never quite believed it, but I did just accidentally stumbled onto a side hustle while I am still working, which makes me think they might be onto something. Continue reading “I Accidentally Became a Financial Advisor”