How I Sell Investments To Fund My Retirement: A Step-By-Step Guide

At this point, I’ve almost completed 3 years of retirement and I finally sold my first share! I wasn’t out of my cash cushion yet so selling wasn’t an urgent need, but I felt the anniversary of saying “I QUIT!” was a good time as any and I will keep that schedule going forward so don’t try to time the market since that never works. Continue reading “How I Sell Investments To Fund My Retirement: A Step-By-Step Guide”

Review: Zenni Optical – Affordable Eyeglasses That I Love

Let me paint you a picture. It’s 2016, Young Purple is a year and change into her journey to financial independence – and subsequently a year into writing on this blog ๐Ÿ™‚ . I went to a bonfire on the beach in Seattle with some friends and had a lovely time. At some point during the night, my glasses were knocked off and lost to the bonfire gods. Continue reading “Review: Zenni Optical – Affordable Eyeglasses That I Love”

The Month Of Troy, NY: August 2023 Recap

Somehow we’re less than a month from the fall solstice and I’m not ready ๐Ÿ™‚ . Luckily at that time, I’ll be flipping the seasons upside down by flying to the Southern Hemisphere ๐Ÿ˜‰ . But for now, let’s see what I got up to during the month of August!

Continue reading “The Month Of Troy, NY: August 2023 Recap”

The Month Of Montrรฉal: July 2023 Recap

And with that, it’s August and summer is winding down. Time makes no sense ๐Ÿ™‚ . While I grapple with that, let’s see what I got up to during the month of July!

Continue reading “The Month Of Montrรฉal: July 2023 Recap”

The Month Of Chicago: June 2023 Recap

And with that 2023 was half over…Wow. My mind still says 2022 sometimes so I’m all out of whack ๐Ÿ™‚ . So let’s see what I got up to in June!

Continue reading “The Month Of Chicago: June 2023 Recap”

The Month Of Seattle: May 2023 Recap

Somehow May is over and once again my first question is: How?!? ๐Ÿ™‚ Time continues to fly over here. This month I went back to my ‘home’ of Seattle after a lovely month exploring California and expanded my housesitting capabilities while seeing what it’s like to care for someone else’s home and hot tub ๐Ÿ™‚ . So let’s see what I got up to!

Continue reading “The Month Of Seattle: May 2023 Recap”

The Psychology Of Giving: How I Tricked Myself Into Donating More

I have something special for y’all today! You seemed to enjoy the times my partner dropped by to give his perspective like in this Q&A post and this one about traveling coffee so today he’s here to talk about giving. Take it away my dude!

Continue reading “The Psychology Of Giving: How I Tricked Myself Into Donating More”

Slow Travel Review: Sacramento, CA – The Land Of Flowers & Sunshine

I don’t know why, but I still like to think I understand cities before I visit them…and that’s dumb ๐Ÿ™‚ . I’ve been proven wrong again and again and yet…here I am thinking the same thing. Hubris. I had never visited the California capital of Sacramento before, and I expected it to be like the suburbs of San Fran, where I’d visited during my childhood, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. Continue reading “Slow Travel Review: Sacramento, CA – The Land Of Flowers & Sunshine”