Slow Travel Review: Sacramento, CA – The Land Of Flowers & Sunshine

I don’t know why, but I still like to think I understand cities before I visit them…and that’s dumb 🙂 . I’ve been proven wrong again and again and yet…here I am thinking the same thing. Hubris. I had never visited the California capital of Sacramento before, and I expected it to be like the suburbs of San Fran, where I’d visited during my childhood, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. Continue reading “Slow Travel Review: Sacramento, CA – The Land Of Flowers & Sunshine”

The Month Of California: April 2023 Recap

A third of 2023 is over and I must politely ask: What the fuck 🙂 ? Time is barreling forward because (I assume?) I’m having too much fun. So let’s see what I got up to in the fourth month of the year.
Continue reading “The Month Of California: April 2023 Recap”

Lessons Learned After 2 Years Of Airbnb Nomad Life

Somehow it’s been 2 years since my partner and I sold everything I owned and started living in Airbnbs. In that time we’ve lived in Airbnbs in these locations: Continue reading “Lessons Learned After 2 Years Of Airbnb Nomad Life”

How I Spend $1,500 A Year To Manage A Chronic Disease As A Global Nomad

One of my main concerns about retiring early in the US was about how I would handle healthcare. Our country is fucked up for many reasons, but we also happen to spend more per capita than any other developed nation on healthcare AND have worse outcomes. We pay more for less – how wonderful 🙂 ! Continue reading “How I Spend $1,500 A Year To Manage A Chronic Disease As A Global Nomad”

Should I Use a Money Market Or High Yield Savings Account For My Retirement Spending?

It’s finally happening people! It’s my 3rd year of retirement and I’m starting to plan for withdrawing from my portfolio…probably in my 4th year of retirement. Like you’re surprised I enjoy planning ahead 😉 .

Continue reading “Should I Use a Money Market Or High Yield Savings Account For My Retirement Spending?”

The Month Of New Hampshire: February 2023 Recap

I did it y’all!!! I survived my first ‘real’ winter in almost a decade and unlike any previous time, I…enjoyed it?!?! It’s obviously been a wild month with a lot of revelations so let’s see what I got up to and how I came to these new conclusions.

Continue reading “The Month Of New Hampshire: February 2023 Recap”

How I Read 100 Books For Free In 2022

I originally set out to not have goals in retirement – and I failed spectacularly at my goal to not have goals 🙂 . In 2021 I set out to read 52 non-fiction books after almost a decade of often being too tired to read after work and expand my mind. Continue reading “How I Read 100 Books For Free In 2022”

The Month Of Snow: January 2023 Recap

Happy New Year! I made it to a new year so I’m feeling grateful (though I guess my pessimism is showing 😉 …) . Anyway, this month was marked by snow and cold because I chose to spend the winter outside of tropical climates for the first time since I retired. Was it worth it? Am I losing my mind while looking out a frosted window? Let’s find out 🙂 . Here’s what I did this month: Continue reading “The Month Of Snow: January 2023 Recap”