Why I Switched To Google Fi (And How I Got A Free Phone Out Of It)

I know what you’re thinking: Is she switching because Fi looks like Financial Independence? Sadly, no. I’m not that shallow 😉 . Also strangely, the internet doesn’t know what the Fi in Google Fi stands for. I suspected it was related to Wi-Fi, but then went down a rabbit hole and discovered that the “Fi” in that doesn’t have a specific meaning either. Continue reading “Why I Switched To Google Fi (And How I Got A Free Phone Out Of It)”

From Frugal To Fuck It: The Evolution Of My Thoughts On Spending Money

I always assumed that my thoughts on spending money would remain stagnant, like my thoughts on marriage or having kids. However, it turns out that my view of spending has evolved almost as much as my thoughts on time. Continue reading “From Frugal To Fuck It: The Evolution Of My Thoughts On Spending Money”

Early Retirement Week 7: The Train

Welcome to PurpleMas! I’ve got a special treat for y’all. After the success of my NaNoWriMo writing challenge: I’m going to publish 2 posts a week during the month of December! So get ready for a lot more Purple in your life every Tuesday and Thursday 🙂 . Continue reading “Early Retirement Week 7: The Train”

Early Retirement Month 1: Ask Me Anything

I love answering y’alls burning questions so I put out the call on Twitter and Instagram to see what inquiries you had for me to answer while celebrating my first month of retirement! Continue reading “Early Retirement Month 1: Ask Me Anything”