How Do I Get Mail As A Global Nomad? A Traveling Mailbox Review

When embarking on nomad life, I had a challenge: How would I get my mail when I was galavanting around the world? I need a mailbox to establish residency for medical insurance and get credit cards sent to it when I’m elsewhere in the world in addition to receiving my normal small amount of snail mail. Continue reading “How Do I Get Mail As A Global Nomad? A Traveling Mailbox Review”

The Only Time Being Carfree Sucks? A Global Pandemic

Growing up in Atlanta I learned to loathe cars. When I was in middle school, I was actually fascinated with them because they were a symbol of freedom. Atlanta has basically non-existent public transportation and few sidewalks (my parents are only getting them now after living in the same neighborhood almost my whole life). So driving a car or getting a ride was a necessity to go…literally anywhere. Continue reading “The Only Time Being Carfree Sucks? A Global Pandemic”

What’s My Health Insurance Plan As A Nomad and Early Retiree?

The main concern I have heard from US citizens who want to pursue early retirement is how to handle healthcare. Our country is messed up for many reasons, but we also happen to spend more per capita than any other developed nation on healthcare AND have worse outcomes. We pay more for less – how wonderful! Continue reading “What’s My Health Insurance Plan As A Nomad and Early Retiree?”

How To Sell Old Or Broken Electronics To Subsidize Your Next Purchase

Before I get into how I sell gadgets online, I need to explain why I have so many electronics to get rid of in the first place. I used to be a hardcore tech fangirl. I bought myself the first iPhone in college after watching every video I could get my hands on and feeling my heart race as I read through every future this wild new technology would provide (a touchscreen? Whaaaaat?!) Continue reading “How To Sell Old Or Broken Electronics To Subsidize Your Next Purchase”