The Month Of Family: January 2024 Recap

Welcome to another monthly recap of what I’ve been up to during my 4th year of early retirement 🙂 . I’m currently writing this while sitting in the sun in our Costa Rica Airbnb staring at the lush green mountains that surround San José. But for the sake of accuracy, let’s turn back the clock to see what I was up to during most of January, which overall involved freezing my ass off in the northeast US 🙂 . Let’s get into it!

Continue reading “The Month Of Family: January 2024 Recap”

The Month Of Warmth: December 2023 Recap

December’s theme of “warmth” had two meanings 🙂 . First was the fact that I spent half of the month soaking up the sun in Puerto Vallarta, México where it was literally warm (75F), and the second was that I spent the rest of the month in Upstate NY with family that makes my heart warm…in an emotional way, not a concerning medical condition way 🙂 . Continue reading “The Month Of Warmth: December 2023 Recap”

How I Made $4,359 While Retired In 2023

So let’s talk about something fun: the surprising amount of money I made in retirement this year. It’s surprising because outside of dividends, I expected this amount to be $0 after I quit my job in October 2020, but like a lot of things in life, I was wrong 🙂 . Let’s get into it! Continue reading “How I Made $4,359 While Retired In 2023”

The Month Of New Zealand: October 2023 Recap

Aaand somehow it’s fall 🙂 . Who knew? Definitely not me since I spent the month in New Zealand where it was spring and baby lambs and calves were roaming. It was a wild time 🙂 . So let’s see what I got up to in the month of October!

Continue reading “The Month Of New Zealand: October 2023 Recap”

3 Years Of Early Retirement: Finances, What’s Changed And What’s Next?

Time once again has no meaning 🙂 . Somehow, I have now been retired 3 years. HOW?! Time has been flying and life is going even better than forecast. So to commemorate the end of my third retired year and get pumped for the 4th, I wanted to go over where I’ve been, what I’ve spent, any revelations I’ve had, and what’s next in retirement 🙂 . Let’s get into it! Continue reading “3 Years Of Early Retirement: Finances, What’s Changed And What’s Next?”

How I Sell Investments To Fund My Retirement: A Step-By-Step Guide

At this point, I’ve almost completed 3 years of retirement and I finally sold my first share! I wasn’t out of my cash cushion yet so selling wasn’t an urgent need, but I felt the anniversary of saying “I QUIT!” was a good time as any and I will keep that schedule going forward so don’t try to time the market since that never works. Continue reading “How I Sell Investments To Fund My Retirement: A Step-By-Step Guide”