How I Spend $125 A Month On Groceries

After publishing my 2018 spending a few people have asked me what exactly I buy and eat to hit that spending level. Obviously groceries is only one part of the food equation with eating out on the other end, but I wanted to try to explain what it is I buy and eat in case it could help others decrease their grocery bill. Continue reading “How I Spend $125 A Month On Groceries”

Why I Enjoy Walking My Groceries Home

I feel like people are always calling me a weirdo for some aspect of my life. I’ve started to wear the label with pride. One part of my life that seems to be met with the most shock and horror lately is that I walk my groceries home. This might be surprising to friends because we live halfway up a 400 foot hill. There is a grocery store at the bottom of our hill and at the top. Either way, you’re climbing a hill in one direction, often with pounds and pounds of groceries on your back. When someone asks where my car is and I tell them I’m carfree for life usually the first question is: “But how do you get groceries?!” Continue reading “Why I Enjoy Walking My Groceries Home”

Simple Living Like A Princess

I’ve always been fairly frugal. I’ve always bought generic brand everything – maybe it’s because I was in advertising, but I knew that the only difference was the label. I didn’t see the point. When I cracked down on my budget at the end of 2014 and started paying attention to what I was spending and trying to reduce it I discovered that the one place that wasn’t out of control was my grocery budget…possibly because I didn’t cook 🙂 . Continue reading “Simple Living Like A Princess”

Over a Year of Food Logging

I’ve been recording what food I put in my mouth on and off for 5 years. I started this journey after gaining 30 lbs my first year out in the real world and discovering I am horrible at estimating calories in food and more importantly booze (Hint: It’s a lot!) This logging never lasted long: my longest stint being 6 months or 182 days. After I hit my goal I logged on and off while steadily gaining weight. Continue reading “Over a Year of Food Logging”

Shocker: I Don’t Love Going Out Anymore

I used to eat out several times a week. If someone suggested it I was always down (unless it was near the end of the month and I’d run out of budget…). In January I did the Frugalwoods Uber Frugal Challenge where I severely cut down on eating out. I ended up only eating outside food twice for a total of $12.34: A friend lunch date at Chipotle (my suggestion 🙂 ) and a take out burger on 1/2 priced Wednesdays. Luckily this was the same month I started eating low-carb and as a result discovered that butter and cheese make anything delicious 🙂 . Continue reading “Shocker: I Don’t Love Going Out Anymore”