This month my Partner and I headed back to Montréal! We visited last summer for a month and loved it so much we wanted to come back and visit again for longer this year. So let’s see what I got up to during this month in Montréal, Canada!
Category: Food
Slow Travel Review: San José, Costa Rica – The Land Of Pura Vida
So I mentioned in my monthly recaps while in Costa Rica all the reasons that I chose to move there for over 2 months, but one of those was because I was shocked at how affordable it was to get there.
I’ve worked out that my flights are usually $200 one-way anywhere in the US. I’m able to get those prices even for longer flights because I book early and I am able to plan my travels around when flight prices are lower. However, despite Costa Rica being way farther than any location in the US, it only cost me about $200 to get there.
Specifically I paid $201.78 on American Airlines to fly from Albany, NY to San José, Costa Rica and $232.34 to fly from San José to Austin, Texas on COPA Airlines to see the Solar Eclipse. Continue reading “Slow Travel Review: San José, Costa Rica – The Land Of Pura Vida”
Cronometer: The Best Free Food Tracking App
If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know that I have tracked my food intake for years. I love tracking things in general and find it really helpful to know and analyze what I put into my body.
I used to use MyFitnessPal (MFP) to track my food and was shocked to check my profile and see that I’ve been using them since 2012 – a whole 12 years ago. So we go way back 🙂 .
In 2012 I was very discerning about which free food tracking app I wanted to use. I downloaded a bunch of them and used them all to see which I preferred. I ended up choosing MFP because it was the most user friendly for me, and it seemed to have the largest database of food already in there so I didn’t have to input everything myself. Continue reading “Cronometer: The Best Free Food Tracking App”
The Month Of Upstate NY: June 2024 Recap
Time seriously needs to slow down because this is getting ridiculous 🙂 . 2024 is half over and I’m barely used to saying the year correctly. Oh well 🙂 .
After a too wild April, I had a pretty relaxing May, which was much needed to recover from a social April and because June was going to be another (wonderfully) social month. So let’s see what I got up to!
The Month Of Arizona: May 2024 Recap
I’m going to need time to slow down a little because this is getting ridiculous 🙂 . I’m still not used to writing “2024” and we’re almost halfway through, so either my brain needs to catch up or time needs to slow down – obviously I’m picking the easier solution 😉 .
This month was luckily way less frantic than April. Hopefully I will remember not to over-schedule myself and my travels so I don’t make that mistake again.
However, it still makes me laugh that traveling once per week wore me down so much when I used to travel just for a weekend. No wonder I was tired all the time 🙂 . Anyway, let’s see what I got up to during my less wild May and try to get my brain to realize it’s now June 2024.
The Month Of The Solar Eclipse: April 2024 Recap
This might have been the fastest month of my retired life. I had a great time, but fast travel is definitely not for me because while I had a lovely time, I can’t remember the last time I was this tired. It was probably during my career 4 years ago and I don’t like it! So let’s see what I did this month that was worth messing up my sleep schedule and my relaxed lifestyle 🙂 .
Continue reading “The Month Of The Solar Eclipse: April 2024 Recap”
The Month Of San José: March 2024 Recap
And with that, 1/4 of 2024 is complete. Wow. And I only got used to saying “2024” instead of “2023” recently. Oh well 🙂 . Anyway, let’s see what I got up to in March!
The Month Of Costa Rica: February 2024 Recap
What even is time 🙂 ? I feel like I just updated y’all about 2023 and here we are in the 3rd month of 2024. I keep waiting for time to make sense, but I think I’ve been having too much fun so it keeps flying by. I remember when months would drag on and feel like 100 years when I was working.
I guess I should just count my blessings instead of always being baffled by time passing so quickly these days. Lessons learned 🙂 . So let’s see what I got up to in February!
Continue reading “The Month Of Costa Rica: February 2024 Recap”