Slow Travel Review: Portland, Maine, USA – The Land Of Deliciousness

I have been slowly stepping out of my comfort zone after quitting my job. First it was moving across the country from Washington to Georgia. Then it was seeing if I liked living in a tiny house. Then it was moving to the major city of Atlanta to see it in a way that even being born and raised in Georgia didn’t allow me to. Continue reading “Slow Travel Review: Portland, Maine, USA – The Land Of Deliciousness”

The Month Of Portland, Maine: Early Retirement Month 8 (May 2021)

Hello party people! We’re legit into our nomad life now and have moved to the northeast 🙂 . It’s been a wild ride overall and despite feeling like I’m just chilling and napping 90% of the time, it seems like I got up to a few things in May. Let’s see what happened!

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The Month Of Atlanta: Early Retirement Month 7 (April 2021)

I mentioned in a recent post that I self-named April the month of optimism and I’ve maintained that thought through the end of the month. I am a pessimist at heart and 2020 challenged even my sense of what a hellscape could look like, but I’m currently feeling…hopeful 🙂 . Let’s see why:

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The Month Of Change: Early Retirement Month 6 (March 2021)

Well, somehow March is already over. I must admit I was holding my breath after the hellscape that was March 2020, but am happy to report that March 2021 was lightyears better. Let’s get into how 🙂 !

Continue reading “The Month Of Change: Early Retirement Month 6 (March 2021)”

The Month Of Birds: Early Retirement Month 5 (February 2021)

Another month of early retirement down and another intro where I express disbelief that time is flying so fast 🙂 . 2021 also seems to be going by faster than 2020, but maybe that’s because I’m used to pandemic quarantine life now…or maybe I’m just inviting the gods to prove me wrong in March – Please no 🙂 ! Anyway, fingers crossed this March is lightyears better than the last one. In the meantime, let’s get into what I got up to last month.

Continue reading “The Month Of Birds: Early Retirement Month 5 (February 2021)”

Early Retirement Week 9: Should This Be The Last Weekly Update?

Hey y’all! This is Weekly Update 9/12 based on the schedule I gave out a few months ago so I wanted to check in and see if you’re still enjoying these. My Week 8 update last week was the first post since I took this blog public that didn’t receive any comments the day I posted it (and I live for comments 😉 ) so let me know if you’re tired of these updates or this format or what and we can switch it up. If these have gone on too long this can be the last weekly update – I don’t want to bore y’all 🙂 . In the meantime, let’s get into it!

Continue reading “Early Retirement Week 9: Should This Be The Last Weekly Update?”

Early Retirement Week 7: The Train

Welcome to PurpleMas! I’ve got a special treat for y’all. After the success of my NaNoWriMo writing challenge: I’m going to publish 2 posts a week during the month of December! So get ready for a lot more Purple in your life every Tuesday and Thursday 🙂 . Continue reading “Early Retirement Week 7: The Train”