How Retirement Allows Me To Live My Childhood Dreams

I find it a little bit cruel that we ask children what they want to be when they grow up. Maybe it’s my pessimism, but asking a kid what they would most like to do only for them to have the facts of the world slap them in the face down the line, messed me up a bit πŸ™‚ . However, I may be an outlier. Continue reading “How Retirement Allows Me To Live My Childhood Dreams”

From 0% to Fluent: How I Learned Spanish in 1 Year

I’ve always been fascinated by languages. In my youth I declared that I wanted to speak at least 10 of them. Unfortunately after several years studying French in school and barely being able to order ice cream in Paris, I accepted that languages do not come particularly easily to me. So I had to change my approach πŸ™‚ . Continue reading “From 0% to Fluent: How I Learned Spanish in 1 Year”

The Year Of Spanish: 2022 Goals & Accomplishments

Throughout the year, I like to jot down new things I’ve learned, read, watched and experienced to try and remember what each year entailed. I then summarize all of that in my annual goals and accomplishments posts. The goal of these posts is not just to curate what I’ve been up to, but also to document how I have changed from one year to the next and how I’ve grown as a person. Continue reading “The Year Of Spanish: 2022 Goals & Accomplishments”

The Month Of Argentina: November 2022 Recap

As the title suggests, I spent this month in Argentina! It’s the farthest south I’ve ever been in the world. As a comparison, Buenos Aires has a similar longitude to Sydney, Australia as well as Auckland, New Zealand and Cape Town, South Africa. Continue reading “The Month Of Argentina: November 2022 Recap”

Slow Travel Review: Buenos Aires, Argentina – The Land Of Nature and Architecture

Up to this point in my life, I haven’t had the pleasure of exploring a lot of South America. I spent two weeks in Ecuador in 2018 and went to Aruba once in college, but that’s it. One of my best friends is from Argentina and moved back after the first year of my career. I hadn’t seen her in person since. So we set out to change that! Continue reading “Slow Travel Review: Buenos Aires, Argentina – The Land Of Nature and Architecture”

How My Diet And Fitness Changed In Retirement

I was very curious when approaching retirement to see what kind of retiree I would be. Some people say that in early retirement they’re in the best shape of their lives and others seem to lean more into an “every day is a vacation” mindset aka “what’s a vegetable?” πŸ˜‰ . So I was simply curious. And like most things in my life, the answer seems to be: it’s complicated πŸ™‚ . Let’s get into it. Continue reading “How My Diet And Fitness Changed In Retirement”

The Month Of Acadia: October 2022 Recap

I feel like every monthly recap begins with me not understanding how time is passing so quickly…and I will not be breaking that streak today πŸ™‚ . How is 2022 80% over?!? My brain cannot comprehend it. Well, another month is done, I experienced fall, and enjoyed some season-appropriate adventures. Let’s see what I got up to!

Continue reading “The Month Of Acadia: October 2022 Recap”

I Recorded What I Did Every Hour For 2 Years Of Retirement: Here’s What Retirees Do All Day!

This weird experiment continues πŸ™‚ . Last year I mentioned that I accidentally recorded everything I did in 1 hour increments for my whole first year of retirement. Originally this was because I was curious to see what I got up to with unlimited time, and later I found it so useful that I just kept doing it. Continue reading “I Recorded What I Did Every Hour For 2 Years Of Retirement: Here’s What Retirees Do All Day!”