It’s Official: I’m Quitting My Job In 10 Months. Here’s The Plan!

This is a continuation of my monthly series that records what’s happening in my final stretch to early retirement. If you’re interested in previous posts, they’re here.

I’m not one to bury the lede so: We’re doing this people! Thank you so much for all of your comments on my last post about this decision. I really appreciate all of your encouragement, concerns and advice. After careful consideration it’s been decided: I’m leaving my job in September 2020. Continue reading “It’s Official: I’m Quitting My Job In 10 Months. Here’s The Plan!”

How To Slay Interviews Like A Job Hopping Fiend

My career has been a wild ride. I quit my first job without knowing my next step after being stiffed for a promotion with Manhattan rent looming over me. My first day of freedom, the Monday after my two weeks notice ended, I was working out on the elliptical at Planet Fitness and received a call from a recruiter: I was being offered a promotion and a 37% raise to work for an ad agency downtown (it’s the agency Mad Men was based on 😉 ). Continue reading “How To Slay Interviews Like A Job Hopping Fiend”

Should I Lock Myself Into Quitting My Job In 11 Months?

This is a continuation of my monthly series that records what’s happening in my final stretch to early retirement. If you’re interested in previous posts, they’re here.

The time has come: IT’S DECISION TIME. I need to decide if next month I will book my month long trip to New Zealand and Australia for October 2020. My Mom and I are working on her goal of experiencing palaces in the sky by using travel hacking to book the Etihad First Class Apartments for our flight from Down Under. Check it out: Continue reading “Should I Lock Myself Into Quitting My Job In 11 Months?”

Reflections On Turning 30: From Job Seeker To Corporate Deserter In 10 Years

I’m currently in Mexico celebrating turning 30 years old. I’m sitting here watching the sun set against an orange and purple sky while listening to the lapping of the ocean waves. During this week of relaxation I’ve found myself thinking back to who I was 10 years ago, at age 20, and how so much has changed in the last decade. Continue reading “Reflections On Turning 30: From Job Seeker To Corporate Deserter In 10 Years”

Balancing Overthinking And Apathy At Work

I have a dilemma that I’d like your help solving. But first, I need to set the stage. I’ve always been a bit of a perfectionist. I actually gave myself ulcers in high school from studying so hard. It probably didn’t help that I rarely slept more than 6 hours as a result of my mountains of homework combined with time spent studying, working on extracurriculars and commuting 3 hours a day. Continue reading “Balancing Overthinking And Apathy At Work”

How To Make Money With Apps And Little Effort

A little over 3 years ago I was desperate to exit the rat race. I decided that I would figure out how to retire at 29. I started cutting my budget to the bone (Spoiler Alert: bad idea…) and as a precaution, started compiling a list of ways I could make a little extra money remotely if needed. Continue reading “How To Make Money With Apps And Little Effort”

14 Months To Retirement: Battling The Impatience Beast

This is a continuation of my monthly series that records what’s happening in my final stretch to early retirement. If you’re interested in previous posts, they’re here.

I’m trying to continue my habit of updating y’all monthly on what’s happening in my world and in my mind as I inch closer to early retirement in case it helps anyone on their path. In previous months we’ve covered the drama surrounding where we’ll be living next year, the sad decline of my current company in my eyes and reflecting on why I’ve felt stressed lately. This month we’re tackling an age old topic: My Impatience. Continue reading “14 Months To Retirement: Battling The Impatience Beast”

Why I’m An Unproductivity Advocate

I am sitting on my couch with a book perched on my lap and a YNAB blanket wrapped around my legs (#swag). Every 15 minutes or so I look up and out my apartment windows to see what new wildlife I can spot.

The usual suspects include a cute green hummingbird (I’ve named him George), blue jays, black-capped chickadees, ravens and squirrels. The Space Needle and the Seattle skyline chill in the distance. I’ve been in this spot for six hours and it’s been absolutely glorious. Continue reading “Why I’m An Unproductivity Advocate”