I keep getting this question from people outside the FIRE community: “What have you sacrificed to try and achieve this goal?” It kept ribbing on me hours and days after I heard it and I couldn’t figure out why. Continue reading “I Haven’t Sacrificed Anything On The Road To Financial Independence”
Category: Musings
Testing My Early Retirement Schedule
A common response when hearing my early retirement plans is to ask why I don’t just insert the life I want to lead in retirement into NOW. I’ve explored how that doesn’t work for me from a work perspective, but I’d like to explain how it doesn’t work at its core. Continue reading “Testing My Early Retirement Schedule”
What Does “A Purple Life” Mean?
There is an idea in The Matrix that I find almost as interesting as the film’s main premise. It’s the idea of a “Residual Self Image.” If you haven’t seen the film, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Please go watch it now. It’s one of my favorites and it forever changed my 9 year old heart. Go on – I’ll wait… Continue reading “What Does “A Purple Life” Mean?”
Why I’m Never Getting Married
My partner and I recently celebrated a decade of being together and with Valentine’s Day right around the corner, this seems like the perfect time to dive into another ‘weird’ (so I’m told) life choice of mine.
My partner and I are never getting married. Fundamentally, we both just don’t want to for a number of reasons. Continue reading “Why I’m Never Getting Married”
Lessons Learned From My First Dry January
At the end of every year I analyze all the data I’ve collected the past 12 months to decide if I should make any changes moving forward. I’ve done this with my financial goals, my non-monetary goals and privately I do the same with my consumption of food and alcohol. Continue reading “Lessons Learned From My First Dry January”
My First Podcast Interview: The FIRE Drill Podcast
Despite being a client service person in the marketing industry, I hate any form of public speaking. Whether it’s a presentation to show new creative to a client, an internal meeting I’m leading with 10 people or even a call I’m wrangling, these events strike fear into my heart…This might be another reason why you shouldn’t choose a profession based on the dress code, but sadly that ship sailed 8 years ago. Continue reading “My First Podcast Interview: The FIRE Drill Podcast”
How I Survived 6 Months Of Public Blogging
Of course I’m not being overdramatic – ME?! 😉 But yes – shock of shocks I’m still here!
According to a few often quoted statistics (that I can’t seem to source right now…) most blogs give up in the first 6 months. I was worried I’d be one of them. That’s one of the reasons I wrote privately for 3.5 years. I knew blogging was hard work, but I had no idea how hard until I went public.
In addition to actually writing, there seem to be a million things to learn, fix and do at all times and I’ve still only taken a small bite of my long to do list even though it’s been half a year. Phew! But I’ve made it! I kept to my posting schedule and posted every Tuesday without fail. I responded to every comment and email. I made it through what I’m told is the toughest stretch. Continue reading “How I Survived 6 Months Of Public Blogging”
How I Spend $125 A Month On Groceries
After publishing my 2018 spending a few people have asked me what exactly I buy and eat to hit that spending level. Obviously groceries is only one part of the food equation with eating out on the other end, but I wanted to try to explain what it is I buy and eat in case it could help others decrease their grocery bill. Continue reading “How I Spend $125 A Month On Groceries”