What It’s Like Flying Cross Country During A Pandemic

I used to fly about every 3 months and since we moved across the country from our family, most of those have been cross country flights. In fact, after living in Seattle for a year, I no longer classified a 6 hour plane ride as a “long” flight – it started to seem normal and closer flights were “short” and only international flights were “long.” Brains are weird and fascinating.

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FIRE Is For Wimps

Yeah it’s a bit of a clickbait title, but I couldn’t help myself because: IT’S TRUE! Mainstream media likes to portray people who pursue FIRE as “EXTREME”! But I have a secret to tell you – one that if you read this blog you already know: FIRE people are huge wimps. Myself included! We are so far from extreme that I laugh when I see those headlines. Continue reading “FIRE Is For Wimps”