How I Stay Organized While Enjoying Life

I’ve encountered a problem in retirement that I never had while working. Maybe I’m alone in this, but when I was working, I was ALWAYS aware of my calendar – I would look at it every few minutes it seems, to know what meeting I needed to prep for next during a work day. I would also glance at it often to make sure I knew what social appointments I had on a weekend and – more depressingly – how much time I had before I had to return to work 🙂 . Continue reading “How I Stay Organized While Enjoying Life”

Purple’s Partner Spills All!: Answering Your Questions & Concerns

I have a surprise for y’all today. For several years I’ve been asked questions about my partner and I’ve done my best to answer them after asking him for his opinions. However, after y’all enjoyed when he wrote his first blog post here about making awesome coffee anywhere in the world, I asked him to tackle your questions himself 🙂 . So back by popular demand, here is my partner answering the questions you submitted on Instagram and Twitter. Take it away my dude! Continue reading “Purple’s Partner Spills All!: Answering Your Questions & Concerns”

I Recorded Everything I Did Every Hour For A Year: Here’s What Retirees Do All Day!

As y’all know, I’m a super nerd. And part of being super-nerdy involves being curious about what in the world I would get up to in retirement with 24/7/365 freedom. I also knew that weeks and even months can seem to pass so fast that it’s difficult to recall what I actually did with all those hours. Continue reading “I Recorded Everything I Did Every Hour For A Year: Here’s What Retirees Do All Day!”

Celebrating 1 Year Of Nomad Life: Revelations And Answering Your Questions

A milestone snuck up on me recently. Apparently it’s been a full year since my partner and I set out into the world and became nomads. As this anniversary approached, I realized that I mention my nomad life in passing, but I’ve never dedicated a whole post to it. I never got into the nitty gritty details in one place, so that’s what I’ll be doing today! Continue reading “Celebrating 1 Year Of Nomad Life: Revelations And Answering Your Questions”

How Being A Nomad Helps Reinforce What’s Actually Important

Life can be a bit of a nightmare 🙂 . And it’s in those hard times that we (myself included) cling to comfort items. Personally , I wrapped myself in my softest and fluffiest blanket and drank tea out of my favorite mug. It was my version of a Louboutin shoe – you get a peak of red depending on what’s in the cup 😉 . Continue reading “How Being A Nomad Helps Reinforce What’s Actually Important”

No, I’m Never Having Kids.

Let’s get right to it: I’ve never wanted children. Interestingly, the decision not to have kids is one of the few things in life that you have to defend not doing. Now that my friends have moved past an abundance of weddings we’ve entered the “baby making” phase and I now get more questions about why I don’t want children than any other decision in my life (including retiring at 30…). Continue reading “No, I’m Never Having Kids.”

Early Retirement Week 9: Should This Be The Last Weekly Update?

Hey y’all! This is Weekly Update 9/12 based on the schedule I gave out a few months ago so I wanted to check in and see if you’re still enjoying these. My Week 8 update last week was the first post since I took this blog public that didn’t receive any comments the day I posted it (and I live for comments 😉 ) so let me know if you’re tired of these updates or this format or what and we can switch it up. If these have gone on too long this can be the last weekly update – I don’t want to bore y’all 🙂 . In the meantime, let’s get into it!

Continue reading “Early Retirement Week 9: Should This Be The Last Weekly Update?”

Early Retirement Month 1: Ask Me Anything

I love answering y’alls burning questions so I put out the call on Twitter and Instagram to see what inquiries you had for me to answer while celebrating my first month of retirement! Continue reading “Early Retirement Month 1: Ask Me Anything”