Review: The World’s Longest Flight – 19 Hours In Singapore Air Business Class

It was February 2020 and Young Purple was naive πŸ™‚ . As the world started to shut down, my Mom and I were discussing a trip to Thailand we had been planning for years that was going to take place in February 2021. As of February 2020 (when we had no idea that this pandemic would last more than two years), we decided to start booking our trip. Continue reading “Review: The World’s Longest Flight – 19 Hours In Singapore Air Business Class”

Slow Travel Review: Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA – The Land Of Chili Peppers

A theme has emerged since I started doing these Slow Travel Reviews: I need to have less assumptions and be more open, and living in Santa Fe, New Mexico for the month, continued to drive this lesson home. Because Santa Fe is in the Southwest I assumed it was:

  1. Flat
  2. Hot
  3. Void of Trees

Continue reading “Slow Travel Review: Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA – The Land Of Chili Peppers”

1Password Review: Protect Yo’ Shit!

*snicker* Yeah I laughed at my own title. Anyway, it always makes me laugh when people assume I have my shit together. Like (some? most? all?) humans, I have SOME shit together – not all. Not by a long shot. There are many things I know I should do…and still don’t πŸ™‚ . Using a password manager was one of those things. I was told it was cheap, super easy and very secure in an increasingly unsafe digital world…and yet I did nothing. Continue reading “1Password Review: Protect Yo’ Shit!”

Slow Travel Review: Catskill, New York, USA – The Land Of Mountains

I’m sensing a pattern in these Slow Travel Reviews – I need to be more open πŸ™‚ . I continue to be surprised with how awesome new towns are and how much they have to offer. I guess that’s better than the alternative – under promise and over deliver and all that jazz, but still. I’m 3/3 shocked at how awesome these places are so I think I need to recalibrate. Continue reading “Slow Travel Review: Catskill, New York, USA – The Land Of Mountains”

Saalt Cup Review: Period Cups Are Life Changing!

That’s right we’re talking about periods! Half of the population have them every month so it’s not a shocking topic despite what society might lead us to believe. Not interested? Then no worries – feel free to skip this one and I’ll see you next week πŸ™‚ .

Continue reading “Saalt Cup Review: Period Cups Are Life Changing!”