My Favorite Nomad Hack Of 2023: A Conditioner Bar

So I’m 3 years into my retirement and my nomad journey and I’m still constantly trying to improve things – I wouldn’t be me if I wasn’t 🙂 . Living out of a 40L backpack is a constant learning process as I decide what I love and what I don’t even use that needs to be left behind.

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Slow Travel Review: Montréal, Canada – The Land Of Poutine, Bagels & Acrobatics

From the moment we touched down in Montréal, I was in love. Why, you ask? It only took 20 minutes from the moment I set foot in the airport to when I stepped onto the curb to be picked up – and most of that was walking, not waiting. That definitely puts Montréal in the top 3 for the efficient international air travel arrival that I’ve experienced.

Continue reading “Slow Travel Review: Montréal, Canada – The Land Of Poutine, Bagels & Acrobatics”

Review: VIA Rail Canada Train – Ottawa to Montréal

My investigation of random travel experiences continues 🙂 . And this time, it’s the Canadian edition! I took a weekend trip to Ottawa and decided to take the train back so this is a recap of my first time using a Canadian train company, VIA Rail Canada, on a trip between those two cities. Let’s see what happened! Continue reading “Review: VIA Rail Canada Train – Ottawa to Montréal”

Slow Travel Review: Chicago, IL, USA – The Land Of Pizza And Waterways

I’ve visited Chicago several times in the past and for some reason never loved it. So when a college friend invited us to a wedding in Chicago, we decided to live there a month to investigate why I didn’t love it in the past, and see if I could change my opinion. Continue reading “Slow Travel Review: Chicago, IL, USA – The Land Of Pizza And Waterways”

Slow Travel Review: Sacramento, CA – The Land Of Flowers & Sunshine

I don’t know why, but I still like to think I understand cities before I visit them…and that’s dumb 🙂 . I’ve been proven wrong again and again and yet…here I am thinking the same thing. Hubris. I had never visited the California capital of Sacramento before, and I expected it to be like the suburbs of San Fran, where I’d visited during my childhood, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. Continue reading “Slow Travel Review: Sacramento, CA – The Land Of Flowers & Sunshine”

The Best Breweries I Visited In Sacramento, CA

A lot of things have surprised me since I landed in Sacramento at the beginning of April. One of which was that not many people talk about this amazing city. Another one was that it has 50 breweries. For a city that only has 500,000 people and that I can walk across in an hour, I find that very impressive 🙂 . Continue reading “The Best Breweries I Visited In Sacramento, CA”