Is The Prime Visa Credit Card Worth It?

I’ve mentioned before that I have a complicated relationship with Amazon. I don’t agree with how they treat their warehouse workers, but I do buy things from them on occasion when I can’t find what I need locally (I’m obviously not perfect – just always trying to be better) .

So with that in mind, here’s something interesting that happened during a recent Amazon purchase of mine. I was checking out with an order of a little over $100 when a promo popped up. Usually I ignore everything extra Amazon tries to push on me, but this time I paused. They were offering $100 to open a no annual fee credit card…enough to almost pay for my entire purchase. Continue reading “Is The Prime Visa Credit Card Worth It?”

Review: Zenni Optical – Affordable Eyeglasses That I Love

Let me paint you a picture. It’s 2016, Young Purple is a year and change into her journey to financial independence – and subsequently a year into writing on this blog 🙂 . I went to a bonfire on the beach in Seattle with some friends and had a lovely time. At some point during the night, my glasses were knocked off and lost to the bonfire gods. Continue reading “Review: Zenni Optical – Affordable Eyeglasses That I Love”

Review: Bombas Running Socks

Here we are again on my running journey 🙂 . So far I’ve talked about how I started this new hobby: From Hate To Love: How I Became A Runner and I recently celebrated 1 Year Of Running: My Progress and Revelations. Now it’s time to take it to the next level with legit running gear! Continue reading “Review: Bombas Running Socks”

How I’m Using A Roth IRA Conversion Ladder To Access Retirement Funds Early: A Step-By-Step Guide

After I decided that I wanted to pursue financial independence in 2015, I had a laundry list of things I needed to research and learn before retirement. However, luckily I had 10 years to figure it out 🙂 . Even though that 10 year timeline became 5 when I retired in 2020, it turned out to be plenty of time to figure out all the minutiae of HOW I would actually take this leap.

Continue reading “How I’m Using A Roth IRA Conversion Ladder To Access Retirement Funds Early: A Step-By-Step Guide”

Review: Google Fi – The US & International Cell Service

So many anniversaries are sneaking up on me lately. I feel like we were just in Maine deciding to switch from Republic Wireless after 5 years to Google Fi, and now I’ve already been with them for a whole year! So let’s get into how it’s going with Google Fi and if I’m going to stay with them for another year.

Continue reading “Review: Google Fi – The US & International Cell Service”

1Password Review: Protect Yo’ Shit!

*snicker* Yeah I laughed at my own title. Anyway, it always makes me laugh when people assume I have my shit together. Like (some? most? all?) humans, I have SOME shit together – not all. Not by a long shot. There are many things I know I should do…and still don’t 🙂 . Using a password manager was one of those things. I was told it was cheap, super easy and very secure in an increasingly unsafe digital world…and yet I did nothing. Continue reading “1Password Review: Protect Yo’ Shit!”

Saalt Cup Review: Period Cups Are Life Changing!

That’s right we’re talking about periods! Half of the population have them every month so it’s not a shocking topic despite what society might lead us to believe. Not interested? Then no worries – feel free to skip this one and I’ll see you next week 🙂 .

Continue reading “Saalt Cup Review: Period Cups Are Life Changing!”

Why I Switched To Google Fi (And How I Got A Free Phone Out Of It)

I know what you’re thinking: Is she switching because Fi looks like Financial Independence? Sadly, no. I’m not that shallow 😉 . Also strangely, the internet doesn’t know what the Fi in Google Fi stands for. I suspected it was related to Wi-Fi, but then went down a rabbit hole and discovered that the “Fi” in that doesn’t have a specific meaning either. Continue reading “Why I Switched To Google Fi (And How I Got A Free Phone Out Of It)”