10 Years Into My FIRE Journey: From $53K To $912K

January 2025 marks 10 years into my FIRE journey and also 10 years of writing this blog to document said journey. It’s absolutely wild how much can change in a decade so I wanted to take the time to reflect on the last 10 years and what happened. Continue reading “10 Years Into My FIRE Journey: From $53K To $912K”

Lessons Learned From A Decade Of Blog Writing

Somehow it’s been 10 years since I first typed words for this blog. That means that writing this blog has officially become my longest running hobby ever 🙂 . It’s the longest I’ve done anything actually – longer than my working career (9 years), longer than college (4 years) and way longer than my previous NaNoWriMo winning streak (2 years) before I boycotted them. Continue reading “Lessons Learned From A Decade Of Blog Writing”

My Mom Retired 10 Years Ago At 55: A Q&A

Today I want to celebrate my Mom. This month is her 10 year retirement anniversary and I thought this would be a great time to reflect on her journey, and her decade of retirement. As I’ve mentioned a few times on the blog, my Mom was my main inspiration in starting my journey to financial independence. Continue reading “My Mom Retired 10 Years Ago At 55: A Q&A”

The Month Of Holiday Cheer: December 2024 Recap

Welcome to 2025! That means The Matrix came out a little over a quarter of a century ago and I feel quite old as a result 🙂 . But enough about my existential crisis 😉 – let’s see what I got up to in December 2024!

Continue reading “The Month Of Holiday Cheer: December 2024 Recap”

2024 Financial Review: Investment Withdrawals, Dividends And Roth Conversions

This is my first time writing a post like this. In retirement I’ve posted about my spending, my income and that’s basically it. But I wanted a place to talk about my money moves in general and sum everything up for the year, so that’s what this new annual post will be! Let’s look at my overall financial picture and see what the future holds.

Continue reading “2024 Financial Review: Investment Withdrawals, Dividends And Roth Conversions”

Review: IcelandAir – Amsterdam, The Netherlands to NYC

We’ve finally reached the end of this saga. This is a recap of flight 3/3 with IcelandAir that I booked on one $940 USD ticket that basically ended up costing me $293.90 USD because my first flight was delayed and I applied for and received $646.10 USD as a result of EU Regulation 261/2004. Continue reading “Review: IcelandAir – Amsterdam, The Netherlands to NYC”

How I Lived On $21,499 As A Global Nomad In 2024

In a surprise to no one more than me, I was under-budget this year 🙂 . I started my retirement in 2020 with the goal of spending $20,000 (which was 11% more than I spent living in Seattle) and I have increased that goal number each year based on inflation. Inflation these last few years has been high so my goal for 2024 was to spend $23,400. I ended up spending $21,499, which is 8% less than my goal.

Continue reading “How I Lived On $21,499 As A Global Nomad In 2024”

Review: IcelandAir – Reykjavík, Iceland to Zürich, Switzerland

Here we go again 🙂 . This is a recap of my 2nd of 3 flights with IcelandAir that I booked on one $940 USD ticket. It basically ended up costing me $293.90 USD after my first flight was delayed and I applied for and received $646.10 USD as a result of EU Regulation 261/2004. Not bad for an EU law I didn’t know existed and 30 seconds of work 🙂 .

Continue reading “Review: IcelandAir – Reykjavík, Iceland to Zürich, Switzerland”