My Favorite Free Tools: Trick People Into Thinking You Have Your Life Together

When I was still working, I would always laugh when someone inevitably mentioned that I “had it all together.” At times I was a project manager so organization was key and I kicked ass at my job, but such comments always made me laugh to myself. Continue reading “My Favorite Free Tools: Trick People Into Thinking You Have Your Life Together”

LugLess Review: An Easy Way To Travel Light

I named April the month of optimism in my mind. The world is starting to look less dark. So with tentative optimism, I’m starting to look at travel possibilities for this fall and 2022. If you’re doing the same, you might be looking for alternatives to paying the often wild airline checked bag fees (remember when that shit was free?!?) Continue reading “LugLess Review: An Easy Way To Travel Light”

Is Retirement Everything I Dreamed? A 6 Month Check-In

The journey to financial independence is the opposite of a get rich quick scheme. It is indeed a get rich slow scheme, which is a lot less sexy I hear 🙂 . However, one of the benefits of the “slow and steady wins the race” perspective that aiming for FIRE provides, is that it gives ample time to think about what you want post-retirement life to look like. Continue reading “Is Retirement Everything I Dreamed? A 6 Month Check-In”

The Month Of Change: Early Retirement Month 6 (March 2021)

Well, somehow March is already over. I must admit I was holding my breath after the hellscape that was March 2020, but am happy to report that March 2021 was lightyears better. Let’s get into how 🙂 !

Continue reading “The Month Of Change: Early Retirement Month 6 (March 2021)”

The Month Of Birds: Early Retirement Month 5 (February 2021)

Another month of early retirement down and another intro where I express disbelief that time is flying so fast 🙂 . 2021 also seems to be going by faster than 2020, but maybe that’s because I’m used to pandemic quarantine life now…or maybe I’m just inviting the gods to prove me wrong in March – Please no 🙂 ! Anyway, fingers crossed this March is lightyears better than the last one. In the meantime, let’s get into what I got up to last month.

Continue reading “The Month Of Birds: Early Retirement Month 5 (February 2021)”