At the end of every year I analyze all the data I’ve collected the past 12 months to decide if I should make any changes moving forward. I’ve done this with my financial goals, my non-monetary goals and privately I do the same with my consumption of food and alcohol. Continue reading “Lessons Learned From My First Dry January”
My First Podcast Interview: The FIRE Drill Podcast
Despite being a client service person in the marketing industry, I hate any form of public speaking. Whether it’s a presentation to show new creative to a client, an internal meeting I’m leading with 10 people or even a call I’m wrangling, these events strike fear into my heart…This might be another reason why you shouldn’t choose a profession based on the dress code, but sadly that ship sailed 8 years ago. Continue reading “My First Podcast Interview: The FIRE Drill Podcast”
How I Made Six Figures By 27
My Mom spent her 30 year career working for giant companies – big conglomerates that are household names. They had a strict dress code: heels, pantyhose, and stuffy suits. I would see her come home every day, instantly change her clothes and breathe a sigh of relief. Continue reading “How I Made Six Figures By 27”
How I Survived 6 Months Of Public Blogging
Of course I’m not being overdramatic – ME?! 😉 But yes – shock of shocks I’m still here!
According to a few often quoted statistics (that I can’t seem to source right now…) most blogs give up in the first 6 months. I was worried I’d be one of them. That’s one of the reasons I wrote privately for 3.5 years. I knew blogging was hard work, but I had no idea how hard until I went public.
In addition to actually writing, there seem to be a million things to learn, fix and do at all times and I’ve still only taken a small bite of my long to do list even though it’s been half a year. Phew! But I’ve made it! I kept to my posting schedule and posted every Tuesday without fail. I responded to every comment and email. I made it through what I’m told is the toughest stretch. Continue reading “How I Survived 6 Months Of Public Blogging”
How I Spend $125 A Month On Groceries
After publishing my 2018 spending a few people have asked me what exactly I buy and eat to hit that spending level. Obviously groceries is only one part of the food equation with eating out on the other end, but I wanted to try to explain what it is I buy and eat in case it could help others decrease their grocery bill. Continue reading “How I Spend $125 A Month On Groceries”
My 2018 Financial Recap
Also known as every dollar I didn’t spend in 2018! One year ago I declared the following monetary goals for 2018:
- Max my 401K ($18,500)
- Max a Roth IRA ($5,500)
- Overall invest $65,000
- Decrease my spending officially to $18,360 ($18,000 + 2% inflation)
Every Dollar I Spent In 2018
How I Saved $1,348.74 With Travel Hacking In 2018
Here’s a quick update on my travel hacking in 2018. This year I went to:
- Singapore
- Ecuador
- Portland
- Atlanta x2
- Oregon Coast
- Upstate New York
- (Planned) Costa Rica
- (Planned) Mexico
Continue reading “How I Saved $1,348.74 With Travel Hacking In 2018”