Unraveling The Knot

The knot that has been in my chest nonstop since I started working is surprisingly gone. Since moving to Seattle and away from the pressure and stress of NYC, for the first time it is well and truly gone. I think the reason is a combination of things. At Company #5 that involved:

  • Having a reasonable client that understands marketing and the agency process
  • Independence at work: my boss doesn’t care when I come in or leave work. I said I was walking home at 2pm and she encouraged it
  • A good boss: she was supportive and said that she didn’t want me to feel alone, which I never felt in NYC
  • Seattle work environment: everyone at work is overall friendly, there are no egos, little politics when I started and people actually answer emails and do their work on time
  • Walking to work: I love it so much compared to the dark and packed subways
  • Nature: I look out my window at home and work and see an abundance of trees and water. It’s amazing

At my new company the knot seriously unraveled for even longer stints of time. I think that’s because:

  • Not making ads: I’ve finally escaped the ad grind
  • Working from home: This suites me so well it’s insane
  • Our apartment: Working from home allows me more time in our apartment, which I absolutely love. The windows are huge and the amount of light and quiet we have here is wonderful
  • Walking to work: When I do go into the office walking to work is very refreshing
  • Co-working Office: When I work at the office I notice that it’s a nice place. There are lots of dedicated people, social events and cute dogs

Not to say that my new life is stress free. Sometimes my shoulders get tight, but for good reason I think. I am in a new profession, a new industry and am making this up as I go along 🙂 . I’m going to keep trying to find less stress in my life. So far it’s been very rewarding.

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